What Is The Super Affiliate System About? – Review

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Hi, I am Richard and welcome to my What is the Super Affiliate System About? – review.

Lately, I have been bombarded with ads from this guy John Crestani advertising his Super Affiliate System. It was only a matter of time before I took the time to go check this out and share what I find with you.

So is this Super Affiliate System a scam or what?

Is it worth your time and money to invest in his training program?

Be assured I am not associated with Super Affiliate System or John Crestani in any way.

Follow along as I share with you my honest opinion and reveal what this system is all about.

Congrats by the way for taking the time to research the product before purchasing it.

This is a great step in preventing yourself from getting burned by the many scams while you search for a legit program to make money online with.

You can read my article on “How To Know A Scam” here, this will help you spot those nasty scams out there. Book mark it so it’s handy for when you need it.

So, in this review, I will go over what to expect from the Super Affiliate System and the chances of you making money with it.

How does that sound? Pretty good, ok let’s get started…

The Super Affiliate System

What Is The Super Affiliate System About? - he made 2.9 mil

Owner: John Crestani

Product: Affiliate Marketing

Cost: $997

When I first watched his video OMG I laughed my head off. It clearly comes across as a SCAM especially if you compare it to my article on ‘How To Know A Scam’. I am referring to the video with the helicopter where he gets dropped off at the office and then proceeds to continue with showing you his thing pretending to be live the whole time.

What Is The Super Affiliate System About? - start making 10 grand a month

The main trigger points that make it look like a scam is the:

  1. the high-income claim in 6 weeks
  2. the high price tag of $997
  3. the big Money Back Guarantee – (never fall for the guarantee, they don’t hold any value when it comes to the internet especially with scams)
  4. his free training for a limited time. (not a real-time limit event)

Yes, some legit programs out there are indeed using some of the same tactics which are the reason why we have to go in for a closer look. So far in my opinion he has a lot of red flags to be concerned about.

John Crestani is the creator of the Super Affiliate System which has been around the internet for some time now. At the time of this review, he is up to 3.0 with his training so he is updating the training package which is a good sign. Another good point is that if you had bought one of the previous versions then you are grandfathered in for the 3.0.

I will say both of these points are worth mentioning because most of them out there will hold back training information to sell to you later as an upgrade at a higher price.

Most of the scams out there will make you pay again and again, it’s sad but they get away with it.

John started off making money online working for a marketing firm that was focused on pay per click campaigns. He then branched out on his own to teach others how to run paid ads and make a profit.

He is now the owner of several companies and has made over $2.9 million in 2016 alone.

When you click on his ad it will take you to his landing page where you will see the below image pop up. To get access to the free training you have to click on the orange button.

What Is The Super Affiliate System About? - free training

The video is very cheaply made and very hazy to watch but the sound is audible. You can even see people walking around in the background in front of the window. It seems he is talking to a small classroom of people that are sitting in seats because behind him is a window and you can see a reflection of someone’s arm in the air as the guy puts his hands behind his head.

He keeps repeating himself over and over on how to go from the laptop to the bag of money, “To get from the computer to the bag of money – We have to go from here to the bag of money. I think you get my point… ah, his point.” Of course, this is not the training, just the ad or promotional material to get you to click.

Which of course you will have to give your name and email to get a little more info.

You are then taken to another video where continue to explain what you get and then offer you his product. This is the norm with many products online.

There are a lot of complaints about him sending out spam which is another red flag about him in general.

TIP: If you want to grab his free training then don’t use your regular email and you won’t get spammed. Also never leave your phone number with any new product you buy. You can always add it later if the product works out for you.

The Training

John Crestani’s team has some of the best tools and marketing funnels around which he shares with you so that you can jump-start your journey towards financial freedom immediately.

Not everyone gets immediate results from his training and most newbies have to continue to at least week 4 before they see any results which is good for affiliate marketing.

What Is The Super Affiliate System About? - The trainingIt provides you with all the templates you need to succeed:

  • landing pages
  • ads
  • emails
  • affiliate network referrals
  • and weekly coaching with John Crestani

The training consists of 42 videos and 34 Show-Me-How videos that provide step-by-step on how to achieve Super Affiliate status.

It takes a total of about 6 weeks to complete with 50+ hrs of quality recorded training.

Here is the breakdown of his training…

Week 1 – The Setup

  • Making your first commission
  • How to get approved to affiliate networks to receive commissions
  • Setting up your ads, landing page, and affiliate links
  • Facebook ads that convert on broad audiences
  • How to leverage affiliate networks and their representatives

Week 2 – How To Choose Your Niche

  • Creating the right mindset
  • Choosing your niche and affiliate offers
  • Choosing an ad network
  • Creating competitive advantages for yourself

Week 3 – Highly Advanced Marketing Skills

  • How to write highly profitable headlines
  • 5 key points to a profitable landing page
  • Tapping into people’s deepest emotions to hypnotize them into buying
  • His 17-step copywriting method works
  • Advanced optimization tactics allow you to take poor performing campaigns to make them massively profitable

Week 4 – How To Manage Facebook & Google Advertising

  • Creating Facebook advertising campaigns that convert
  • How to stay compliant with Facebook’s policy so that you never get an ad account shutdown
  • Understanding the different metrics in advertising
  • Leveraging Google’s advertising network

Week 5 – Using YouTube Ads & Native Advertising

  • Setting up YouTube ads so that you can get penny clicks, quick way to scale up profitably
  • How you can use native advertising networks such as Taboola, Outbrain, and MGID
  • Using a click tracker for more advanced optimization
  • Secrets to profitable video ads on Facebook
  • Structuring your advertising campaigns more effectively

Week 6 – The Scaling and Automation Process

  • Using survey funnels to supercharge your Facebook conversion rates
  • Breaking down the $240k solar campaign case study
  • Scaling affiliate campaigns from $1000 to $20,000 /day profit
  • Dealing with media buyers, and how to build an organization around your affiliate marketing business


No doubt he has some very good training packages in his program which seems to cover everything anyone would need to make a profit online.

Along with the training, there is an abundance of valuable information that any affiliate would love to get their hands on like:

  • Buyers Data
  • Ad Templates – He has done all the work for you here make it very easy to fill in with your info.
  • Presell Pages – all done for you
  • VIP Pass to Affiliate Networks – John has worked out special deals with affiliate networks so you are easily accepted as a newbie. This is no doubt a huge positive because most affiliate companies don’t deal with newbies.
  • His live weekly coaching sessions – fake training programs don’t have these live sessions

His weekly webinar is not your standard webinar it’s just a lot of hype build-up. When I see this kind of webinar it always raises a red flag because when they don’t have the meat and potatoes to talk about then they just entertain the listeners by pumping them up.

It kinda reminds me of Click Bank University where they spend 50 minutes telling you what a great life you will have and 10 minutes teaching you something of value that you can use.

On top of that, the webinar is very difficult to watch and forever long. Most webinars are scheduled for an hour, his is something like 2 hours long. He just talks mostly about all the stuff that you would find on the internet for free and just beat around the bush about a subject without telling you anything of value.

Then there’s the video (suppose to be live but it’s not) where he gets out of the helicopter and goes into the building where he starts his speech. The cheezie thing about it is that he uses girls in a bikini suit which we all know is just eye candy and got nothing to do with the business.

I don’t know maybe it’s just me but I did not like the training video at all.

What topped it off for me was the pile of money on the table.

What was that about? You got it, eye candy again.

There are only about 20 minutes of actual quality content in the whole video which of course would probably be boring without the show right?

Super Affiliate System Community

What Is The Super Affiliate System About? - community

There is a community where you can exchange ideas and get advice from others.

I believe Jim Rohn says it the best,

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

The people you spend the most time with shape who you are.



It’s the same thing our parents said to us when we were young, “Don’t hang out with that crowd or person, they are not good for you”

In this case, you should hang out in a crowd that has the entrepreneurial mindset.

There is a lot of frustration among the community which indicates there is not a lot of successful people in the group. The majority will always outweigh or shine through.


Who Can Benefit From Super Affiliate System

Anyone interested in paid advertising would find his training of great value, you would learn a lot about all the areas you need to make it as a paid advertiser affiliate marketer.

It is also suited to anyone new to paid advertising however you will have to have some kind of income resource to keep up on the advertising until the ads start to work which can vary from 4 months as some claim to over a year.


Now for my conclusion on my Super Affiliate System – review.

The whole system has a lot of red flags which should tell anyone to stay away from this training package however I must say his training is of good value and anyone that takes his training seriously would have the knowledge and potential to make money with it.

For this reason, I have to say that Super Affiliate System is not a scam.

If you can get the ads to work then you can make big money very fast with this system but that’s a big if.

You see the biggest problem with trying to make money with this training package is you need money to make money with it.

  • The cost is expensive to buy at $997 sure but
  • The advertising is even more expensive!
  • And it’s just another copy-paste program where everything is done for you.

I have spent a lot of money on Facebook ads and let me tell you, it’s not cheap even when you can get leads for $1.00.

That’s because you need a minimum of 4 ads running at a time to test the various parts of the ad for results which can take several months to start seeing results.

Even when you get it to work Facebook will shut you down for no reason (yes, for no reason, been there, done that). Once this happens you lose all your value in that ad and it will no longer perform as it did.

  • If you don’t have the money to spend on advertising costs,
  • You don’t want to advertise on Facebook,
  • You prefer to have free advertising
  • You would like to try before you buy a product

If you’re looking for a legit training program to make money that doesn’t cost a fortune then read my #1 recommendation review here.

This one is better suited for someone new getting started in affiliate marketing because it’s affordable to get started and doesn’t cost anything for advertising.

It’s the program that works for me and many others.

I am afraid it won’t make you a millionaire overnight but it will bring in 4 figures a month before long and that’s what most of us are looking for anyway.

The above link will get you your first month for only $19 but that’s after you tried it out for a few days for FREE first.

So you have plenty of time to try it before you buy it, and when you do you get a huge 60% savings in the first month.

There are plenty of articles on my website you can read that can be very informative while learning the ropes of online marketing, be sure to check some of them out, they are written for anyone just getting started.

I would love to know if you found my review helpful and informative, please leave your questions in the comments section below and I will be glad to answer them for you.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article.

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2 thoughts on “What Is The Super Affiliate System About? – Review”

  1. Thank you for this review. I was thinking about joining that program but I just wasn’t sure. It sounded too good to be real and the price scared me a little because I don’t have a lot of money to invest in a training program.

    Personally I don’t believe that ads is the best way to make money online if you are a beginner so I agree that there is a better way

    • Hi Ladia, you are very welcome. I am glad I was able to help you decide on this program. It’s a lot easier to decide if a program is for you or not when you have all the details up front, and that’s what I am trying to do, share enough details so others can make an educated choice. If you don’t have a lot of money to invest then you need to check out my #1 recommendation for any one on a tight budget. It’s great for anyone just starting out and I know it works because that’s what I am using today.

      If you have any questions please contact me. If you do join I will be by your side seeing you through the building of your business from start to finish.

      Have a great day Ladia and thanks for dropping by,


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