What Is The Best FREE Keyword Research Tool?

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If you’re new to online marketing you are probably wondering what is the best free keyword research tool to use.

When I first began to build a website I had no idea what a keyword research tool was let alone how it could really be of benefit to me.

Once I learned how vital keyword research was to the overall SEO ranking, I knew I needed to find one however I was hoping to find one that was FREE and was a good tool.

I was just starting so didn’t have money to be spending even on important tools like keyword research tools.

Another important feature was that it had to be easy to use.

And it had to give me the most pertinent information not a lot of useless data that I didn’t know what to do with.

So in this article, I will be covering all these points and much more.

Let’s begin by first understanding…

What is keyword research and why it’s important?

If you don’t understand the importance of a keyword research tool then you will never use one.

Simply put, keyword research is the process of discovering which search terms people are typing into search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo that are related to the products or services offered on your website.

There are many ways to accomplish this.

The easiest method is to use a keyword research tool.

Once you learn what terms people are typing, you want to include those terms throughout your article.

This will help the search engines to get your articles in front of the people who are searching for that information.

Naturally, you want your articles to appear as close to the top of the search results as possible right?

That is what SEO is all about and a keyword research tool is what makes it possible for you to learn what words or phrases people are typing into the search engines.

This is a great time to be getting started online because there are?

  1. so many products sold online today it’s even causing local stores to shut down.
  2. over a billion people searching online for information.
  3. so many tools available to help the beginner today that weren’t available just a few years ago.

Why use a keyword research tool

Simply put, the difference between a website that gets a ton of organic searches and one that gets none or very few is the keywords you use in your article.

Using effective keyword research tools enables you to determine a popular (profitable) niche, find related markets, rank well in search engines as well as enhancing your ability to drive traffic to your site and promote your products and/or services.

When you take the time to learn what people are searching for you will place yourself in a much stronger position to help them achieve their goals which ultimately helps you achieve yours.

I have found that it is beneficial whenever I think I have found a good keyword to ask myself these three questions:

  1. Do my keywords target what people are searching for?
  2. Will the people who find my site by searching those keywords find answers to their questions?
  3. Will this traffic help me reach my goals whether that be email sign-ups, sales, or some other goal you have determined.

If you find you are unable to answer these questions, it may be worthwhile to change your keywords.

Benefits of Jaaxy and why it is an excellent product

Did you know that Jaaxy is the only keyword and research platform developed by affiliate marketers FOR affiliate marketers in the industry?

That is HUGE.

Who better to develop the best tool for the job than those who need it daily.

In fact, the Jaaxy keyword tool was designed by the same two guys that also founded the Wealthy Affiliate internet marketing training that got me started.

These guys, Kyle & Carson, know the business and have been internet marketers themselves since the early 2000s.

They designed a keyword research tool that was simple to use and delivered the information most important to internet marketers in a fast and easy to understand format.

All affiliate marketers signed up quickly to use this new powerful tool to use to give them a boost above the competition.

These two guys seriously know the business. They know what information is needed to get that edge over your competitors.

Keyword and market research can be one of the most time-consuming tasks for an affiliate marketer.

Thanks to Jaaxy keyword and competition research can now be easily accomplished in just minutes that once took days to try and figure out.

Jaaxy literally does all the work for you. All you have to do is give it some basic words to get started and it will spit out all relevant words to match yours.

How Does Jaaxy Work?

Jaaxy collects search data from the major search engines, Google, Bing and Yahoo.

It then displays that information in a simple, easy to understand manner.

Yes, you could use Google Keyword Planner.

But, did you know that Google Keyword Planner is actually geared towards Adwords advertisers?

Jaaxy actually presents data in a manner that is much more suited to niche pursuing individuals like us.

It provides information about keyword competition and other useful information that help give you the edge in your marketing endeavours.

Different price points of Jaaxy

Jaaxy offers 3 different price points which are great.

They offer a free trial which includes 30 searches.

The Pro version is $49 per month

The enterprise version is $99 per month.


I love the fact that you can try it out for free to find out if it is in fact the right tool for you.

And get this…

There is also a Lite version that is only available to certain people or groups which you will never know about unless you are in that group.

Let me explain…

The Special Group

Back in 2005 Kyle and Carson took noticed how difficult it was for anyone to get started as an affiliate marketer.

They decided to put together a little course to help beginners to get into online marketing. It was such a huge hit they kept expanding on it giving more and more courses covering more different areas as affiliate marketing expanded online.

Today they are considered the BEST in teaching anyone how to become an affiliate marketer. for three big reasons:

  1. They have the best and most honest training you will find
  2. It is affordable which makes it perfect for beginners.
  3. They have continued support after you start making money

And this is the group that gets the Lite Version for FREE with no expiry date.

I did a complete review of their training package which you can check out here

This is the training I took when I got started and is also the Jaaxy version I am currently using as well.

How to use Jaaxy

Jaaxy is one of the easiest programs ever to use.

Simply type in the keyword or phrase you are thinking of using and within seconds you know how many searches per month there are for that keyword, how much competition there is and more, so much more.

There are three main things to keep in mind when doing keyword research:

  1. The keywords need to make sense.
  2. The number of monthly searches that keyword or keyword phrase gets each month. Ideally, this should be over 50
  3. How much competition is there? In other words how many competing websites are there already out there? Go for a keyword that has a competition of under 400. Remember, the lower the competition the easier it will be to get a first-page ranking in the search engines.

How simple is that?

Well, if you are new to keyword researching then it may sound a little confusing.

Don’t worry I will make it so simple for you that you will be using Jaaxy by the time you finish reading this article.

Let’s start with the features…

My Favourite Features of Jaaxy

These are the features I use daily.

Avg. (Monthly Searches)

This is the number of searches a particular keyword has each month. This is the combined total search traffic on Google, Bing and Yahoo. If you are planning on writing an article around a keyword it is recommended that you use a keyword with a minimum of 50 monthly searches.

Estimated Traffic

This indicates the estimated monthly traffic you can expect your site to get if you rank on Google’s first page results. This is actually the lowest estimated traffic for those ranks so you may be pleasantly surprised to see more visits coming in

Quoted Search Results (QSR)

This tells you how many pages are competing for that same keyword or keyword phrase on Google.

Jaxxy uses a state-of-the-art algorithm to determine the precise keyword competition within search engines to give very reliable results.

Naturally, you want this number to be as low as possible. Having this number around 200 or 300 is good.

If you are fortunate enough to find a keyword with a QAR of less than 100 you have really hit the jackpot here.

Keyword Quality Indicator (KQI)

This is similar to traffic lights, the indicator will show you a green, yellow or red light to classify your chosen keyword. If it shows red it is poor, yellow is good and green is great.

SEO Power

This will give you a score ranging from 0 to 100. This will tell you if your keyword is good for SEO. The higher the number the easier it will be to rank for that keyword. Just like in school, the higher the number the better. Over 80 is really good.

Domain Search

This feature will tell you if there are any exact-match domain names for 8 different domain extensions available for your chosen keyword.

Related Keywords

Jaaxy will suggest closely related keywords or keyword phrases that can really help you dig up some gems.

Saved Lists

This feature allows you to compile your keywords into lists to organize them by niche or topic.

Simply tick the ones that have good results and save them to a keyword list you get to name yourself.

This allows you to go back later and deepen your analysis and study those keywords in-depth for traffic potential and competition.

You can export your keyword lists into your favourite spreadsheet program in CSV or TXT format.

Alphabet Soup

Here you can take advantage of the Instant feature to add all letters of the alphabet to your keyword/keyword phrase on actual searches people are doing to discover more long-tail keyword ideas.

This is a great tool to use in finding keywords you never thought about.

Site Rank

This feature allows you to check how well your site or post is ranking. You could even use it to check on your competition.

Give It A Try…

We covered the main points of using Jaaxy it’s time to give it a try for real right now.

Click in the box below and type in a word or two you wish to search for and find out how easy it really is.


Final Thoughts

What is the best free keyword research tool? was written for those that are just starting out or already have a blogging page and wish to boost.

In my opinion, Jaaxy is the best FREE keyword research tool you are going to find.

If you are an experienced marketer, give Jaaxy’s free trial version a go and see just what Jaaxy can do for you.

It can certainly help give you the edge by helping you find those high search, low competition keywords/keyword phrases you require.

There are many features that Make Jaaxy stand out above the rest.

For me, the fact that Jaaxy was designed by internet marketers for internet marketers is an important feature because they are very familiar with the stats that are important to us.

If you’re a beginner take the FREE training with Wealthy Affiliate before you spend any money. This way you will find out if online marketing is for you.

Please leave your experiences and comments in the comment section below.


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2 thoughts on “What Is The Best FREE Keyword Research Tool?”

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    • Thank you for all those nice words about my article and website, I appreciate it very much. Yes, SEO can be difficult to understand when new however using the tool I recommended in my article will make it very easy because the numbers will guide you to the best one for you.
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      I wish you all the best with your blogging site.


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