What is TubeLoom About? My Personal Review

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Hi, and welcome to “What Is TubeLoom About? My personal review”.

I came across this program that says…


YouTube Product Reviewers.

Will Pay $300 – $500 Per Day

This product has been around for a few years now which really surprises me.

If you were searching for a way to make money and came across this program and decided to do your own research it first then congratulations my friend for taking the action to check it out first.

Yes, the program sounds great, I mean who wouldn’t want to make 300 to 500 bucks a day right?

But is it legit?

So, lets just get right down to it and find out what it’s about…



Owner: Charlotte White

Website URL: www.tubeloom.com/start/


After purchasing this program it doesn’t take long to figure out just what it’s all about.

First of all this program is about making review videos on YouTube. You take a product and using a camera you record yourself talking about a product explaining the good and the bad things about it.

These review videos are very attractive to potential buyers because like my self when I go to purchase a product I jump on the internet to find a review on it.

They then add their affiliate link to the YouTube video so when you click to purchase they get a commission from the sale.

Keep in mind you pay the same price regardless if he gets the commission or not and he just gets a commission for doing the review on the product for the company. There’s nothing wrong with that.

The biggest problem I have with this product is their false advertising.

They claim they are on Forbes and CNN yet research shows nothing of the sort. FALSE CLAIM

Another problem I see is their statement…



This program has nothing to do with a hack on you tube… there is no hack required. You are not hacking the YouTube Channel and if you did they would shut you down.

And then the bogus claim of making $594 in a single day is another one of those false claims to look out for.

You can read my article on how to know a scam. Keep it handy for your reference.

I was surprised to see a claim that there was only 1 position left… not sure what that is about because with all the training packages you get online there is no limit to positions. Just another lie my friend.

When I came across this…


What is TubeLoom About? My personal review - free
What is TubeLoom About? – free


I thought, wow this is free, it can’t be.

Nope, it wasn’t free. Yet another False Claim.

This is the kind of S#$% you need to look out for.

If your looking for a legit program to make money online then check out my review on #1 recommendation for making money online.

But hey what the hell, lets keep going…

Who Can Benefit From Tuebloom

I can’t see very many people benefiting from this training. I also think you can get more out of YouTube’s training than this one that cost’s $40. I suppose if you were to apply the basic training steps they have and make up your videos then put them on YouTube you would for one make money from YouTube over time. I guess if your videos are done well enough you would also get sales as an affiliate.

I don’t think you need this training to do it that’s all.

Anyhow lets get into the training…


The Training

What is TubeLoom About? My personal review - product
What is TubeLoom About? – product

The training is a little confusing because they get you to download a program called “Easy Tube Commissions.

Clearly even the training is not hers and she is just promoting someone else’s product.

When I researched “Easy Tube Commissions” I found out it’s one of those Copy And Paste programs by Gerald Soh and Dean Henry.

I guess this will be another review to do.

What is TubeLoom About? My personal review - owners
What is TubeLoom About? – owners

Now the training changes a little. Easy Tube Commissions is still about YouTube Video Reviews however it talks about finding newly released products to do the video reviews on.

The modules (4 with some general talking ones) cover the following:

  1. Picking the product – where to find the new releases
  2. Review Video – How to do the product walk through
  3. Video Optimization – Covers how to complete optimization for sales
  4. Outsourcing YouTube SEO – How to source SEO if you doesn’t know it.

Take a look at their caption in the above photo, they claim you can make 332.50 within 9 minutes. Another bogus claim.

And that is it my friend, very simple and not worth the time of day if you ask me. This is one of the worse training packages I have ever seen online.

If you’re looking to do videos on you tube all you have to do is watch the training YouTube has to offer for free and then join an affiliate supplier like ClickBank then paste your links into your video.

If you have any questions on this just ask them below and I will be happy to help you out.


Tubeloom Community

No community…

They do have what they call a Mastermind group however it costs another $49 to join.

It turns out it’s just a Facebook group just like what all the other low level programs include in their training for free.

Clearly not worth another $49 especially when it should be included for free.


Website Platform & Hosting

The only thing you get for the platform and hosting is a place to find the training modules (4 of them).


Research Tools

No research tools mentioned.



Here is my conclusion on my review “What Is Tubeloom About“.

I don’t know about you but I have a hard time trusting anyone that puts false claims on their advertising.

If they are dishonest up front then what do you expect to find inside their program? That’s right, dishonesty.

By the way I would not recommend giving your email to these clowns, they will spam you till the cows come home, and then sell your email to other spammers.

This program also have up sells to another program and a mastermind group.

The other problem with guys like these on the internet, they don’t play by the rules and never return a refund if you change your mind.

So for the plenty of reasons I have pointed out; 100% I do not approve of either Tubeloom or Easy Tube Commission.


Here’s a piece of advice from me, there are plenty of complaints from people unable to get their money back from these guys so.

If you do (for some strange reason)buy their training then use your PayPal account, you have a higher chance of getting your money back if not satisfied.

The other big red flag is there is no support. No contact email, no phone number, just no way to get a hold of anyone.

If you’re looking for a legit training program to get started online then read my #1 recommendation review for anyone looking to supplement their income from online.

What is TubeLoom About? - WA product

Put your questions in the comments section and I will be glad to answer them for you.

I hope you found this review helpful…








Overall Quality



  • Quick way to make money
  • Make some money from YouTube


  • Product is not what it says it is
  • Very little Support
  • Hosting costs extra

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6 thoughts on “What is TubeLoom About? My Personal Review”

  1. Thanks for your review on Tubeloom which at the beginning sounded quite good and something I would of looked into using in making video myself. You saved me time and money.

    Your great review pointed in a better direction so thanks for that as well and your alternate review is Wealthy Affiliate which I hear nothing but good stuff about them. It’s time to check it out thanks.

    • Hi Stephen you are very welcome. I just saved another person from falling for those fake training programs out there and that makes me feel this article was worth writing.
      Yes by all means click on the link and if you do buy within the next 7 days you will get your first month at a discount from $49 to $19 which is a great savings.

      Just try the training out for a few days before deciding and if you have any questions I will be on the inside to personally answer them for you. The owners will be there as well to help with anything.

      Thanks for dropping by and I will see you on the inside,

  2. Hi Richard. Thank you for your honest and useful review. Help me to save my time to find out more information on it. I agree with you that someone who put false claims are not trustable. Thank you for mention lot of people couldn’t get their money back as some people might go and try it out since it guarantee money back. This is really not the right way of doing business. Your review really can help lot of people.

    • You are very welcome Janet, I am pleased you found my article of interest. It is sad when the guarantee no longer holds any value. Every day I see more and more of these types of scams coming online to steal people’s hard earned cash. I am doing my part to educate.
      Did you check out my review on my #1 recommendation yet? It’s a great article and product I am sure you will enjoy.

      Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment today Janet I appreciate it.
      All the best.

  3. Hey Richard, I had a contact with Tubeloop about a year ago and was extremely disappointed with the product because those claims on the sales page and the actual product inside the members’ area are basically two different worlds. I’m a year wiser now so I don’t fall from those “make $500 today” via some secret hacks and loopholes and whatnot.

    I’m in complete agreement with your review here. This program is not worth it and I’m actually surprised to see it still active. Don’t get me wrong. There a slight value inside, but this is not going to work as advertised. I filed for a refund a long time ago and I’m glad I did so! Thanks again for your review! I just wanted to add my experience as well to help your readers.

    • So glad you could drop by and leave a comment, Ivan. It doesn’t take long before you can see through a lot of these fake programs. The ones that are the hardest are those that are on the line.
      Good to see you requested a refund, best of luck in getting it back, they don’t all return the refund as they promise especially the fakes.

      If you are still interested in a good program to make a living online, you need to go here and check out the review on this one.
      This is the one that got me to start making money online, I highly recommend it.
      The link will also give you 59% discount on your first month. Money saved is money earned right.

      Thanks for dropping by and I wish you all the best


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