What Is Wealthy Affiliate About -Scam Or What

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If you’re interested in making money at home here’s a must-read article “What Is Wealthy Affiliate About Scam Or What” if you wish to avoid scams.

Hi, I am Richard and I do honest reviews on making money opportunities here is my personal experience with Wealthy Affiliate University.

Congratulations for taking the time to do your research before purchasing one of these programs, this is a great way to avoid scams and save you a lot of time and money.

In this review, I will cover everything you need to know and the chances of you making money with it.

So, let’s just get right down to it…

Wealthy Affiliate

Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Owner: Kyle & Carson

Cost:   $49 per mth

Best For: Anyone interested in learning to make money online.


What started out back in 2005 as a “keyword list” by Kyle & Carson while attending college has evolved into Wealthy Affiliate, one of the most thought out, well-designed platforms for anyone to learn to make money as an Affiliate Marketer without a lot of fuss and high cost associated to many others.

The beautiful thing about affiliate marketing is you don’t need your own product.

You simply create websites with the easy-to-use tools provided by Wealthy Affiliate. Then just refer your visitors to merchant websites using your special affiliate link.

Who Can Benefit From Wealthy Affiliate

Everyone from beginner to advanced can benefit from wealthy affiliate. The low entry cost matched with the high-quality training offers everyone a chance to create an income online without risk.

If you’re looking for extra income or to replace your day job this is defiantly for you because:

  • if you’re retired you don’t have to get a part-time job
  • you can work from the comfort of you’re own home
  • work at your own pace
  • do what makes you happy
  • don’t need your own product
  • very low cost to start
  • they give you a domain name to use for free
  • they also host your website at no extra cost
  • the training is straight forward to follow with a video and written instructions

I will show you how they teach you to build a web page in 30 seconds.

First, let’s talk about…

The Training

What Is Wealthy Affiliate About Scam Or What - training

The training caters to all levels of marketers from beginner to advanced taking them from scratch to a successful, long-term business in any niche of your choice.

It is the most sophisticated and elaborate yet easy training platform providing everything anyone will ever need to tap into the online market.

The step-by-step training is so perfectly laid out and when you do need help, there is plenty of help from the friendly successful members or the owners to get you on you’re way again.

Wealthy Affiliate Community

What Is Wealthy Affiliate About Scam Or What - community
The community

Now about the community…

Apart from the training, the Wealthy Affiliate Community is where it’s all at.

Because so many members are actually making money, their ability to help others is much higher than any other training platform I have seen. They are more helpful, kind and go above and beyond to help you and that happens for a couple of reasons:

  1. for one, helping others enforces the material into their own mind increasing your chances of success.
  2. any member which helps others also get credit points that they can turn into cash.

Members also have an opportunity to earn cash by adding training lessons for the community to benefit. These lessons can be anything as long as it’s helpful to the members.

The community will review your written content to give you ideas to improve your site which is a huge plus when starting a website.

And within the community you can:

  • Private message others
  • Live chat within the group
  • You can ask questions after every training lesson.
  • Share links for others to view your posts
  • The owners respond to your questions almost instantly (The owners are very active in the community)

Website Platform & Hosting

I remember the very first time I bought a Domain Name, loaded the hosting platform on to it, installed WordPress and then built my website, it took me 3 weeks using other training platforms.

Building a website within Wealthy Affiliate’s platform is a dream come true.

It seriously just takes merely 30 seconds and you are done. Now that’s the way it should be in 2020…

… they are so far advanced from the competition there is no comparison.

Their analytics side of their platform is another area where they took it to a whole new level than the competition, leaving you with a plethora of information on how well your site is doing.

And there’s no setup, it’s all done in the background for you.

Other training programs require you to purchase other software to track your analytics, Wealthy Affiliate not only has it built-in with no extra effort on your part but they include it for free.

Here Is How to Build A Website In 30 seconds or less.

Don’t believe it’s possible? Watch the short video below…

Building a website in 30 seconds or less

Was that awesome, 30 seconds and you have a website. Now all you have to do is add your content which they cover how to do in several lessons covering the basics to the more advanced of adding your logo and specializing your content so it stands out.

Research Tools

Keyword research is a practice search engine optimization (SEO) professionals use to find and research alternative search terms that people enter into search engines while looking for a similar subject. You can read up on it here on Wikipedia.

Keyword Research is the key factor in determining if you are going to get the exposure needed in the search engines to make money or not. Here at Wealthy Affiliate, they believe it’s so important to your success they include it for free. This software normally costs $99 to buy but they include when you become a member.

If you’re an affiliate marketer and you’re not using Keyword Research Tool like Jaaxy, you’re not winning.

And it’s so easy to use a child could use it.

Jaaxy deserves its own review which I will be doing at a later date. (update: you can read the review on Jaaxy here)

This program sells for $99.00 / mth, you get a limited version as a free member.

Here is another great article called How Do Keywords Work In SEO.


What Is Wealthy Affiliate About

For one thing, we know it’s not a scam –  in fact, it’s a pretty damn good training program for beginners and experienced marketers.

Wealthy Affiliate is my #1 recommendation for anyone looking to supplement their income or build an online business.

They make it easy to learn by applying as you progress through each step. This transcribes into fun and exciting times while learning.

It works like this:

  1. watch a short video on the lesson
  2. read the important steps to carry out
  3. apply what you have just learned
  4. move on to the next lesson

Before long, you’ll have 2 or more web pages up and running bringing in a stream of cash leaving you wondering why the competition is making it so complicated.

They’ve been around for over 15 yrs and have trained over a million people to become successful online, there’s no doubt they know their stuff.

The training gives you:

  • 10 free lessons
  • a free domain name
  • hosting platform
  • full security protection for your website
  • free use of their word search program
  • access to all their training video lessons and members lessons
  • 24/7 full support
  • a highly engaging community that is available 21/7 to ask questions

And if you join as a Premium member within the first 7 days you will receive the following bonuses:

  1. You’ll get a special 59% discount on your first month (costing only $19)
  2. You are going to get personal and private support from me. If you ever have a question or need help with your campaigns, I will be here to support you on your journey.

Hey, don’t take my word for it…

You can go here and sign up for FREE

… feel free to take it for a ride tooday.  (No credit card required)

Please share with us your experience in the comments below.

Wealthy Affiliate






Overall Quality



  • Highly effective training
  • Low Price & No Upsells
  • Plenty of support from community


  • Spell checker could be improved
  • Some training modules need updated

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16 thoughts on “What Is Wealthy Affiliate About -Scam Or What”

  1. Although there is no price reduction for Veterans at Wealthy Affiliate, it is the best place to learn and apply the basics of affiliate marketing.
    This is a great place for veterans to add to their income without returning to the regular workforce in a 9 to 5 routine.
    Do you think it helps with PTSD by keeping the veterans away from the hustle and bustle of an everyday job?

    • Hi John, thanks for dropping by. Your right there is no price reduction for affiliate however if you use the link provided you will get a 60% discount on your first month. Keep in mind the owners decided to keep the price low and affordable for all. This also helps to compete against the scams out there however sometimes people think the more you pay the better the product which is not true.

      I agree, it is the best place for anyone wishing to make an income online. When it comes to PTSD it may even help some by giving them something positive to focus on. I don’t have PTSD however if I don’t have something to keep me busy I tend to be a bug around the house.

      Thanks for leaving your comment John
      All the best

    • Thank you Bob for your warm comments. I am very pleased you enjoyed my article. If you’re looking for a legit high-quality training package for online marketing then you have found it my friend.

        • I am glad you are enjoying the free account Bob, it is a really good training program for sure. Even though it’s a free account I do recommend taking the lessons very seriously and following through each lesson before moving on. If and when you decide to go premium you can just carry on from where you left off. Remember you have to go premium within 7 days to activate your 60% discount.

          Reach out to me on the inside if you have any questions I will be please to guide you through.
          All the best my friend

  2. Thank you Rick so much for this awesome review. I have spent days looking at different products to try and find a legit training program to make money online. But there are so many bad ones out there you just don’t know which ones are good. After reading your article I have made my mind up and I am going to join Wealthy Affiliate. Your article really helped me a lot and I want to thank you for sharing this valuable information with us.

    Thanks again

    • Hi Veronica I am so glade you enjoyed my article and congratulations on joining Wealthy Affiliate, I am absolutely sure my dear you won’t be disappointed.

      All the best to you on your new adventure,

      P.S. Reach out to me if you have any questions

  3. As a fellow member of the WA community, I agree with the points you make. I think that live events are amazing too! So much is accessible with a free account so you can try before you buy.

    • You are correct, the live events is something everyone should attend. Keep in mind its no ordenary event like most companies put on. This one they pay full expenses including the flight. I have never seen this done before and the content is outstanding. Lets put it this way, once you attend one you will attend again. Yes the free account is a fantastic way to get into affiliate marketing with 0 down. Most people do end up going premium and if you use the link I provided above I can get you the first month with a 60% discount off.

      Thanks for your comment
      All the best

  4. I thought I signed up for the free 7 day trial through your link but I cannot get on to it. I have emailed Wealthy Affiliate twice and have not had any response yet. I signed up on 9/3 and emailed on the 4th and the 5th. I really want to get started with this so I would appreciate any help that you could give me.

    Thank you, Bev

    • Thanks for dropping by Beverly. I will check the link to make sure it is still working…

      Bev, the link is still working and if you already signed up you should have your free trial. Billing don’t start until the end of the Trial Period.

      Are you charged any money right away?
      Let me know if you are and I will check on it for you.

      Here is the link again to sign up for the 7 day free trial.

      Thank you again for dropping by.

  5. Hey Richard,

    I signed up full for Fullstaq, went through the first 2 courses, attended the Business Launch Challenge weekend, and now an Elite Member, $5800.00 later. I still have time to cancel, as i have never done any of this affiliate marketing stuff before, I almost feel like I’ve bit off more than I can chew to starting off with Fullstaq, however I must say they do have an amazing support and training system. I do have a funnel set up with them and and am receiving email leads from Zero Chase Media, which I pay for, into the funnel, that basically sells the Fullstaq program. I am also looking at Growth Cave and Legendary Marketer. But, after reading your reviews, it sounds like Wealthy Affiliate, might be the best place for a newbie to start. The website I provided is the landing page for the existing funnel. Thanks in advance for any insight you might provide. Ty Ty

    • Thanks for dropping by Cathy and sharing your experience with Fullstaq. Yes, I still believe the most comfortable place to start would be WA because it does not cost very much, in fact for what it costs to run a business on WA for the whole year you would spend that just on advertising with Fullstaq. One can argue that the payout for WA is not as high as Fullstaq however that is only the case IF you make money with Fullstaq. For 2 full years with Fullstaq I never made very much money and had only seen 1 other person that any serious money which they ended up quitting and moving on after spending 4 years with Fullstaq.

      Fullstaq will charge you a small amount upfront to get you in the door like most of the programs out there. Once they have you hooked they will continue to sell you other levels of the program until you are into 30 to 50 grand and they don’t stop there.

      The time when I left them they wanted another $30,000 to get a higher level of help because I was not making the money they said I would.

      The training is ok but it is still just basic training that you can find on the internet. The real problem with Fullstaq is that they depend on Facebook to sell on which Facebook don’t like and will shut your account down. Fullstaq clamis they know how to get around it however they really don’t. As soon as you start making any maney at all Facebook starts looking at your account and then just shuts you down.

      All the leads you pay for does not pay off in the long run. The whole course started with purchasing leads from different suppliers however this will not work for several reasons which I covered in the original article. That is the first part of their suck-you-in or magnet. Now they will sell you the upgrade that costs $18,000 the last time I checked, they on to more upgrades after especially if you attend their live event.

      My advice is to try and get your money back and go with WA. From WA you will learn a lot more about online marketing than trying to trick someone into buying a dream.

      I wish you all the best in your online journey,
      Take care

  6. Hi,
    At WA, how much is an average monthly cost for ads in the premium plan? I’m not asking for a specific dollar amount, just ran into a roadblock with Fullstaq. When I broke my funnel, I went back and studied the training from step one, and found out that the Resource page is now a website that offers online training courses. I have requested help, but I’m spinning my wheels for two days now. I will be joining your program very soon. Thank you in advance for any help!

    • Sorry Thomas for the delay in getting back to you. Yes, most people joining Fullstaq soon realize that you eventually will run out of money trying to make money.

      With WA you don’t need to spend money on advertising which is a huge cost factor with Fullstaq not to mention their high cost of just joining the program. My first year with Fullstaq I spend $5500.00 on advertising, the second year was even more. With WA (read my article again if you need to) I have spend $0 dollars on advertising after 3 years with them.

      I find Fullstaq is more about taking your money because every event they do they set it up to give you the same training you already received which does not solve your problem of creating good ads that bring in the money. They give you just enough to keep the mind busy and pump you up for success, and then hit you with another huge hike in cost of more training that don’t work any better.

      That is wrong in it’s self but the biggest problem is Facebook, you will not get very far with Facebook platform because they don’t like Fullstaq’s style of product. It is based on making money by tricking people to buy into it like the many scams out there.

      You will find that it does not cost very much with WA and the work you put into it stays, you just update it every now and then. With advertising on Facebook with Fullstaq, once they shut you down you just lost all the money you spent on advertising. It’s gone for ever.

      All my work I put in with WA is still there making me money and it does not cost me any money on advertising, actually it’s the opposite, I make money on advertising. By placing other peoples ads on my site I make money from it and the ads can be set up to run automatically so I don’t even have to touch it.

      Be sure to read this article again so you get a good grasp of the program. There are some other programs out there that can work however WA is my favorite. Join WA my friend, I know you will love it as much as I do. Just stick with the training, it is put together for your success.

      Thanks for dropping by Thomas, I will see you on the inside.


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