Is Fullstaq Marketer A Scam

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Welcome to my review Is Fullstaq Marketer A Scam.

If you ended up on their landing page of this program you will get introduced to a low price to get started however that is not the only cost to this program.

The big question is, is it legit and or is it another scam like so many others out there?

I want to congratulate you for researching prior to taking action on this product. This action no doubt will save you a lot of time and money.

I’ve spent a fair amount of time & money myself researching a lot of products to find the right one that works best for me and yes I bought into Fullstaq Marketer myself so I have first-hand experience with this training which I will share with you in this honest review.

Because of so many scams available online today geared just to take your hard earned cash, I decided to build this website to help prevent others from getting taken.

In this review, I will cover everything you need to know about this program and the chances of you making money with it.

I will also cover who it’s best for and when you should use it.

So, let’s just get started…

Fullstaq Marketer

Is Fullstaq Marketer A Scam - me
Me attending an elite webinar

Name: Fullstaq Marketer

Owner:   Keala Kanae

Product:   Affiliate Marketer via Facebook Advertising

Website URL:

Suited For:   Experienced Marketers, big budget


Let’s take a look at the facts…

Anyone can call a product a scam even if they don’t know anything about it. I believe it’s very unethical to do so.

I always want the facts so I can decide for myself.

Fullstaq is a very new product that just came online in Aug 2019.

However the owner Keala Kanae is by far not new to the marketing world, he’s been around since 2016 selling an AWOL which closed its doors when Keala and his partner split up sometime in 2018. Fullstaq and AWOL is the same program except with a new facelift along with a lot of updated training videos.

Fullstaq is a training package that teaches you to sell products from affiliate product providers like Clickbank by advertising on Facebook.

Is Fullstaq Marketer A Scam - product pic
Is Fullstaq Marketer A Scam – product

Who Can Benefit From Fullstaq

Fullstaq Marketer is an affiliate training program that trains you to advertise on Facebook.

Unless you are interested in advertising on Facebook you won’t gain enough knowledge to build a successful business just with their training.

This program is more designed for experienced affiliate marketers.

Because Facebook is such a difficult place to sell anything that is related to:

  • Make money online
  • lose weight or
  • Bitcoin

I would not recommend this training program if you are planning on promoting any of the above products on Facebook.

And if you’re new to affiliate marketing even with this high-quality training, it can be challenging to sell on Facebook.

Those that benefit the most from Fullstaq are those that have their own business whether that be online or a brick-n-mortar business.

This training is not cheap so one must have a good flow of income to support it.

The Training

Is Fullstaq Marketer A Scam - training class

The training is well suited for anyone wishing to write ad copy to draw customers (traffic) to their business or website.

Although their ad copy training has tamed down quite a bit compared to their training when it was AWOL, it is much more suited to the purpose it is intended for.

It will also teach you in-depth Facebook advertising where you will learn to challenge Facebook and how to deal with the policy.

I don’t believe there is a better training program out there for Facebook advertising. I truly believe they teach it better than Facebook does.

The training caters to all levels of marketers from beginner to advanced taking them from scratch to a successful advertising campaign especially if you pick the right niche.

Albeit the training covers all areas required to become successful it does leave out some detailed information which seems to be difficult to find even within the community. This can leave someone for weeks waiting for an answer which adds to the frustration.

Their new training since they became Fullstag takes on a direct role with questions at the end of each module that you must pass before going on to the next one. When they first switched over in Aug 2019 I noticed some of the answers were wrong which can be expected with new training, to help correct this for the students I had put in a comment to the support team about many of the test questions having the wrong answers. To my surprise a year later those wrong answers were still not corrected.

I must say their training is really good and you come away with a solid knowledge of affiliate marketing overall and a fantastic grasp on Facebook advertising.

Fullstaq Facebook Community

Is Fullstaq Marketer A Scam - live event
Fullstaq Marketer Live Event

Now about the community…

FullStaq does have a community to request assistance from fellow entrepreneurs.

The problem is that their success rate is not all that high which I believe affects the group’s ability in helping each other.

Everyone tries their best to offer help to the best of their knowledge but you can clearly see there is a lot of frustration within the group. Most of that frustration is due to not making money which is mostly because it is so hard to advertise the “Fullstaq Affiliate program” on Facebook.

Comments are also screened creating a longer delay in the response time and they must be approved so you won’t see any negative comments posted thereby hiding the true frustrations with the students.

On the other hand, you can search for past questions or comments or even by name to find what you’re looking for which I found to be super handy.

Within the community you can:

  • Chat in the group
  • Share links for others to view your ad
  • It may take some time to get a response but you usually get one

Website Platform & Hosting

They don’t have their own platform or hosting program and all the extra software has to be purchased separately, adding extra expenses to the already overpriced training.

You can read about the extra expenses associated with some training programs here.

They do have what they call a back office where you can find the training programs and your stats of who and how many sales you have but it’s not very user-friendly. At the time of this writing, they were still working on building the states and links section however if it’s going to be anything like they had in AWOL it’s nothing to write home about.

Using Fullstaq it took me 3 weeks to purchase my Domain Name, load the hosting platform, install WordPress, the security software and build my website.

This is a long process in today’s technology but it’s mostly due to having to use all the other programs and having to link them all together.

This can be confusing, expensive and time-consuming as a newbie.

And when something doesn’t work you need to figure out which company you have to call.

Building a website within Fullstaq is not an easy task at first but you do catch on to it after some practice however it does take practice to get it right.

There are much friendlier and better platforms at a much cheaper price tag out there.

Research Tools

There are no research tools available within Fullstaq training to use.

In fact, they don’t even mention anything about a research tool which is odd since they are an affiliate training program.

A research tool is a program used to find the words people are searching for on the internet. Once you know the words people are searching for you can use it in your article or ad to draw people into your article.


Is Fullstaq Marketer a SCAM?  No, it is NOT a scam for the following reasons:

  1. They do offer an excellent training program that will teach you all about Facebook advertising
  2. They work with you to help create your ad and place it on Facebook
  3. They have weekly live webinars to help and even go over anyone’s ad copy to help and improve upon it
  4. I have to say the biggest reason they have such a low success rate is because of Facebook policy which is a huge challenge to keep up on, and Fullstaq does an excellent job in keeping you abreast of the changes when they do happen.
  5. Fullstaq spends hundreds of thousands of dollars testing Facebook ad copy which they eagerly share during their webinars.

Do people make money with it? Yes, they do.

However many may question it because of the price they charge for their training compared to their low success rate due to dealing with Facebook policies.

This is the biggest reason why someone may think it’s a scam especially when you add in the amount of up-selling Keala does.

This is best for experienced marketers and anyone that already have a business.

If you are a beginner and have the money to support the cost of advertising then Fullstaq Marketer may be a fantastic program for you.

If you’re not interested in Facebook advertising then this is NOT the program for you.

And if you can’t afford to spend 10 grand on the training, another 10 grand/yr on Facebook advertising, then this is also NOT for you.

For $197 you get

    1.  Basic Training
    2. “Make moves Monday” conference call
    3. Fullstaq Facebook community support

The good news is that you don’t have to spend this kind of money to make money online.

If you are new to affiliate marketing I would strongly recommend getting your feet wet on a platform other than Facebook like my #1 recommendation program for beginners, click on the link and give it a try for free.



Fullstaq Marketer






Overall quality



  • Good training package
  • Personal Reviews on request
  • Fast way to make money


  • Too many upsells
  • Price high for what you get
  • Requires extra software costs

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16 thoughts on “Is Fullstaq Marketer A Scam”

  1. Hi Rick great review and well written, I tried to check out the Fullstaq website by clicking on the link at top of the review but it gave me an error “website could not be found” so I was unable to go check it out.


    • Thank you Butch I appreciate you letting me know about the error with Fullstaq’s link. They have changed their website link which I have updated. They are now offering a Free Bonus Training Video that you can check out here.

      Keep in mind, as I have mentioned, Fullstaq training is more for those that have a good income flow to support it but you can watch the Training Video for free.

      If you’re finding money tight then check out my #1 Recommendation for getting started online here.

      Thanks again for reaching out and letting me know,

    • Thank you, Elizabeth for your comment and you are very welcome. Yes, you’re absolutely right it does work for others as it is for me. The problem is not with their training because I believe it’s the best training out there for Facebook Advertising. The problem is with Facebook when you try and advertise products like “make money at home”, “lose weight now”, and “bitcoin just to name a few – Facebook just doesn’t like them.

      Facebook is a very powerful social media platform to advertise on and can be a difficult one as well. Their policy is not all that clear and their explanation of what you did wrong is not entirely clear either. As an example, if I were to use “you” in an ad it will be enough to have your ad or even whole account shut down. On top of that, they make mistakes, and a lot of them costing you money.

      When your ad or account is shut down you lose the algorithm in your ad and even when you turn it back on it never performs as well as it did. This is because you take weeks even months building up your ad then Facebook just shuts it off on you.

      I just don’t recommend it for anyone just starting out online as an affiliate marketer. If someone wishes to draw more customers to their store, by all means, this training would be for you however keep in mind it’s expensive.

      Elizabeth there are also other associated costs to most of these “make money at home training programs” which I pointed out in my article “How To Make Extra Money At Home – As A Veteran” which I recommend to read.

      If you’re on a budget it would be worth your while to check my article “What Is Wealthy Affiliate About Scam Or What – My Personal Review

      Please, you have any more questions I would love to answer them.

      All the best

  2. I’m very wary of using Facebook as an advertising platform because as you say, they don’t really have clear guidelines as to what we can and can’t do.
    It almost seems that if they don’t like your ad or something you say they can just shut you down and ruin a business overnight.

    Fullstag sounds ok, but I appreciate you mentioning that it is not suitable for beginners as it is a system involving many different aspects that need to line up to get the desired results. Three weeks to get a website up and running is a long time.

    It’s offputting to know that there are not many people who are successful with this program and that the community support is therefore not very good. Since I don’t use Facebook much, I think I will be looking elsewhere for opportunities.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with Fullstag.

    • Good day Andrew and thanks for dropping by today. Yes, Facebook can be very tricky to advertise on. Getting your ads or even your whole account shut down is a norm with Facebook. I spent a lot of wasted hours, even days trying to figure what is wrong with my ad only to find out it was their mistake which is also a norm. I have helped others that had their ads shut down, even ads about the health of your pet. The person advertising had the ad approved and running for 3 days and then just shut off. Don’t get me wrong, you can still advertise on Facebook and be very productive once you know how to deal with Facebook and prove to them you follow their policy they tend to leave you alone, at least for a while. Getting to that point takes months of advertising which is not cheap for a beginner.

      But if you can afford the advertising then this is a fast way to make thousands overnight. It’s possible to make over $100 grand in your first year with this program.

      But if you don’t have the money to support advertising then it’s best to start with a sure system like Wealthy Affiliate and make the money to support advertising on Facebook.
      This way you can build more customers to your webpage using Facebook and branch out from there with Fullstaq Marketer.

      The biggest reason it has a low success rate is because of Facebook policy and not so much as the policy but Facebook turning off your accounts before verifying you actually did break the rule.
      On the other hand, because it is so difficult dealing with the policy it also drops your competition and once you know how to work with Facebook you will do very well in a very short time frame.

      You are very welcome Andrew, I am here if you have any questions.

  3. I went into the corporate world when I left the British Army, worked my tail off and had incredible success but as time has gone on, I have seen too many train wrecks and suicides due to culling of corp headcounts. I see a shrinking iceberg in the corporate world and a lot of people are falling off and those over 40/50 are being pushed off. I am interested in making money online and affiliate marketing seems to have a lot to offer. I hear you when you speak of low success rates, but isn’t that always the case unless you want to be average in an average job? It seems to me that 5-10K is cheap if it can put me in a position to earn 6 figures plus from anywhere in the world and I have control over my future. Am I MISSING something here? I am not experienced in FB at all and I am a bit confused by your comments which seem to conflict. You say the Fullstaq FB training is the best and is excellent, even better than FB themselves, you say Fullstaq works with us to perfect copy etc, so lots of good stuff. However, it is expensive and there are cheaper alternatives out there. I would want the best training and then back myself to win rather than cheaper alternatives. As I say, am I missing something here, because your argument doesn’t make sense to me and I am looking to make a move soon. Failure rates don’t bother me, every role I have succeeded in inc the army has had huge failure rates. That just shouts opportunity to me. If 5-10k sounds expensive then I think we need to get a mindset in place. If I can earn 100k with the best training whereas I might earn 30k at status quo, then the lost opportunity cost is 70k. I think the 70k lost opportunity per year is too expensive. I would expect in reality to earn significantly more than 100k online. I look forward to hearing your response because I want to make a move soon.

    • Hi Roy, so glad you can drop by and share your frustration with us. Sorry for taking so long to respond to your comment, this time of the year I spend a lot of time sailing. Yes, the world we live in today is not the pretty picture that was painted for us growing up.

      Let’s see if I can clear up some of your questions for you. First, yes Fullstaq does have really good training when it comes to FB marketing and you will come out with great knowledge on how to advertise on FB. There are not a lot of training programs online that will teach you what you need to know to make a 6 or 7 figure income however this is one of them if you can learn and get it right. Keep in mind there is only 3% of business in the United States that make over a million bucks a year so making this kind of money online is outstanding especially at such a low cost to get started.

      Most people that are interested in the program easily find the money to get started which is quite expensive compared to other programs. The money to get started is not the problem, it’s the money you need to keep going with it that can be the problem. You see, to run ads on FB you need to spend at least 20 bucks a day when starting and within 6 months be spending 30 to 50 a day for advertising. This can eat up your savings over time with no guarantee that you will make sales. You can expect to make your first sale within the first 4 months and grow from there. Then it’s only a matter of time before larger sales come in.

      The biggest problem is with Facebook, they want you to do everything by the book yet they don’t follow any of their own guidelines. You will find your ads and accounts getting turned off or shut down for very little or even no reason at all. When this happens it resets your ads which forces them to start over again. You see it takes the algorithm time to find the customers for you which can be 2 to 4 weeks. If after 4 weeks you are getting a sale every couple of days and then Facebook decides to turn it off by mistake your sales stop. Even if they turn it back on again the sales do just pick up where they left off. It now will take another month to build it back up again and even then it may never come back.

      In other words, you will need a lot of money to play this game. If you get sales within the first year and keep your account from getting shut down because Facebook doesn’t like these kinds of ads then you will do pretty good with this program.
      Most don’t have the money to keep at the advertising especially if they get their ads and accounts shut down.

      This is why I recommend a simple blogging post training, click here to learn more about it.
      It won’t make you money as fast or as high as an income as Fullstaq however it’s a higher chance that you will make money with it because it doesn’t cost a lot to get started or keep going with it.

      With that said, it sounds like you have the ambition to take on Fullstaq, click here to learn more. Just follow the training and pay close attention to Bailey, he’s the king when it comes to Facebook advertising.

      I wish you all the best Roy,
      Thanks for dropping by and take care,

  4. Binary scam broker let me share my experience. I invested 90% of my retirement payment in binary online investment broker Umarket trade option for a better retirement life. Sweet and smooth from the start, withdrawals were consistent until I got denied withdrawals and the rest of my money I had invested with them. The Lawyers were all a waste of time and money. I found a certified binary options recovery expert that helped me recover my 99% of my investment back from the scam broker, Mr Prince Andrew and his team worked relentlessly. You can contact the recovery expert via his email address:( l feel that some people might have falling a victim to this online scam brokerage that’s why I want to recommend the recovery team, if you have found yourself in the same situation as mine, you can still get your investment back.
    Good luck

    • Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment for me Sunny. One has to look out for a lot of scammers online, infact it is getting worse by the day which leads me to a point. The problem with online is that they can hide behind the cloud and you never know who you really are dealing with because you never see a face and if you do it’s probably a person acting for them as I have covered in many of the scams in my reviews. Just like your email, is it real or not? No one really can tell for sure until you respond to it and get spammed to death because you just collected another email to sell to the spammers.

      Quite frankly I would not recommend contacting anyone via an email that uses a number for a name. It’s also just a Gmail email meaning it’s not even from a real company and if the person is not a real company they don’t stand a chance of getting anyone’s money back. If you lost money on a scam consider it gone and move on or you will end up losing more to scammers pretending to get your money back.

      Sunny, I just have a hard time believing your comment is legit. In fact, you yourself do not use a real name in your email or a photo so I would not recommend anyone to follow your advice.

      Do not respond to the email in Sunny Leone post, to me it takes on the feel and looks of a scammer. In fact, I will leave the email but remove some of the letters and add XXXX’s so no one uses it yet you can still see what it looks like.
      Thank you for dropping by but we are here to prevent scams.

  5. I signed up and paid $99 and then a $39 ticket amount for the master class. I am backing out due to the information in this article as well as what others have written (thank you). They will not refund the whole amount (they keep the $39 ticket claiming it’s paying for staff being involved…which might be mildly understandable if it were not over 3 weeks away) unless it is the $99 and you have to filled out a form asking for a refund to be considered. They also say you can have refunds before 14 days only. So, it’s a straight up no for a refund for the Fullstaq Accelerator Program ($99) if you have not attended the master class and it is outside those 14 days and you will have to go through a call with another sales representative to see if you can get the higher dollar amount refunded with The Elite Program (seems completely up to their discretion and undoubtedly they will try to resell you). The $39 is non-refundable unless you go through the class and still aren’t into it (so they say, as wording is sketchy and it makes it seem as though it will only be considered). By that time you have plugged in hundreds more dollars for the “tools” and will have to ask for refunds from them, as well.
    Fun fact: They scheduled the master class 3 weeks from the purchase date, effectively forcing customers into the class by their 14-day refund date cutoff if they do not wish to lose the $39.
    We will see if they refund my $99 as I am awaiting a response to the request.

    • Thank you for dropping by Amber and sharing your experience with us. I am glad you took my advice and backed out of their program. You will no doubt be out of the $99 + $35 for cancelling however as you have read my article you would have saved yourself thousands in the long run.

      Their system since my writeup has gotten a lot worse and I would recommend everyone to stay away from that program.

      Thanks again for sharing your story and I wish you the best of luck on your next journey.

    • You are very welcome Mary and thank you for dropping by. If you are thinking about getting involved with Fullstaq, don’t, I am afraid you won’t make any money with it.
      In fact, like I have mentioned in other posts, don’t do anything that is involved with Facebook, even with Facebooks marketer, Facebook will shut you down.
      If you haven’t checked out WA yet I suggest reading my post on it, it is still my #1 recommended program even above selling on Amazon.
      Have a great day.

  6. Pingback: tad
    • Hi Tad, although they provide training and coaching to promote their program which in the eyes of the law it is legit. In fact some people (2%) have made some money with it even if it was for a shot spell. The problem is that their training cost so much money that what little money you do make goes back into their pockets through all the upgrading that is required. The other problem as I have mentioned in the review is that Facebook does not allow advertising this kind of material and will shut you down.

      The truth is that there are better ways to make money online then Fullstaq and for a whole lot less money might I add.
      I would advise you to check out some of the other reviews I have done with many other programs to make a good comparison before making a decision on which program to try out.

      Thanks for dropping by Tad,
      Good luck and if you have any other questions please let me know and I will do my best to answer it for you.


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