Starting A Blog For Income

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Starting A Blog For Income - taking notes
Always have a pen and paper ready

If you’re interested in starting a blog for income or at least wondering if you can make some money from blogging, you certainly came to the right place…

I am a blogger and I do make money at blogging. You can check out my about page to learn how I got started in blogging… let me assure you it wasn’t an easy road for me however it won’t be as hard for you now that you found me.

This article will guide you down that unknown rough road to AVOID the potholes that I hit on my way to becoming a full-time blogger.

The truth is I never set out to be a blogger but if you read some of my other articles you will quickly learn why I did.


What to expect

First, if you’re looking to become rich overnight or within the next couple of years with blogging…

… I am afraid that is very unlikely.

Notice I didn’t say impossible but for most of us, we don’t get rich blogging overnight. Don’t get me wrong you can make a pretty good living blogging, it’s just going to take time to build it up.

Bloggers typically write between 1 to 4 posts a week starting out and taper off to 1 a month. If you have a really good blog going then you would be writing more posts than the majority of bloggers.

It’s the content that you write makes the difference in blogging but you don’t have to be an expert. In fact, some of the best blog sites out there got started right where you are now. We get out what we put into it.

You also have to follow a good training program that will properly train, guide and assist you on your journey.

Blogging is just a way of saying something to the world. In other words, just tell your story, add affiliate links to monetize it and start earning income.

And a story is just talking about what you like. Whatever your passion is just run with it and don’t worry about if you can write or not because that will improve over time.

The REAL magic is to Just Get Started.

A lot of people get hung up on what to write about, they get scared, worried about what others will say and then don’t write anything.

Remember when you were in school (or perhaps you’re there right now) and had to write about a certain subject? When the teacher would offer several subjects to write about you would pick the one you liked the most.

Where would you get the material to write about?

Well, that is simple but just a matter of how old you are. If you were around before the internet then you would have researched the material at the library. Today it’s much easier because we have the internet which is more powerful than the library could ever be.

The SUBJECT you picked to write about is called your niche and it’s basically anything that you’re passionate about. If you like makeup then write about that. If you like muscle cars then perhaps that may be your niche.

It’s a lot easier than you may think as you will find out.


Can I make money blogging, for real?

Starting A Blog For Income - folded money
Folded money

Yes, you can…

…I am and thousands just like me are.

But remember what I said… you won’t get rich overnight but should easily replace your day job before long.


Is there an age or other limits?

Well, yes and no.

  • You should be at least a teen or older but there are bloggers as young as age 8.
  • You need to be able to read and write
  • You will need access to a computer and the internet
  • You have to have a positive attitude or you won’t attract anyone to your blog
  • You must be willing to spend a couple of hours a day
  • You must have a subject or niche that others will be interested in

The younger you are when getting started gives you a lot more time to build it however many of the younger crowd give up too early. Yes some of them come back years later to continue with their site. As with the older generation like folk in their 60’s, they tend to stick to it because they have learned that hard work really does pay off and they really enjoy it. It gives them a sense of purpose in life now that they are retired from their careers.

Other than that you have to be consistent with your blog and respond to comments in a timely manner. In some cases, you can even have a parent or someone else write your content for you.


Can I quit my day job and live blogging?

Yes, you can… in fact, you can make a lot of money blogging when done properly.

There’s the right way and the wrong way to blog. Those that do it the wrong way don’t make any money. The difference is in the training they acquired just like everything in life. If you’re interested in learning the correct way to blog and how to make a living at it then go read my review on my  #1 recommendation here.

How much money can I make as a blogger?

You can make enough money to give yourself a tidy sum of cash in your pocket at the end of each month. The stats are that 9% of bloggers make between $1000 to $10,000 dollars a month which is a nice income supplement income.

There are 4% of bloggers that make over $10,000 a month which will give you a pretty luxurious life.

But the majority of the bloggers out there make less than $100 bucks a month. Of course, this includes all the beginners as well. Don’t let that scare you because there’s a right way and a wrong way to blogging. You are about to learn the right way.

Another thing to keep in mind is that most bloggers out there are not serious enough to make any serious cash with it. That’s because they are using “The Law Of Attraction” against them.

You can read my article on  “The Law Of Attraction” here.


Why you should become a blogger

First, blogging has become so popular for sharing content and information that there are literally millions of blogs containing every subject you can think of.

People use it to talk about their problems, share stories, and offer support and advice to others.

Even the elderly have tapped into the world of blogging because it keeps their minds active (if you don’t use it you lose it).

I spend my time helping veterans and others to learn and blog to keep their minds busy.

And yes for the big reason for many of us – to make the money that we all need.



Some bloggers have a really difficult time when it comes to starting a blog for an income. And the reason for that is that they haven’t learned the few key little steps that are taught in Wealthy Affiliate.

With today’s software most of the hard work is already done for us. Simply follow a few simple steps outlined in the training and you will have your very own blog – at no cost to you.

I wrote a review that you can read here on Wealthy Affiliate, so you get a good idea of what they have to offer.

These guys have spent years perfecting what they do best and that is to teach others to become successful bloggers.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below and I will respond to them.

All the best

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4 thoughts on “Starting A Blog For Income”

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience with blogging! This post provides very useful information and advice about what to expect when starting a blog. I sure wish I had come across this a few years back, it would of saved me a lot of frustration time and money.

    • Thank you for your warm comment Joonas, comments like yours really make me feel like I am helping others which is the purpose of my site. You are very welcome and if you have any questions on the subject I will be more than happy to answer them for you.

      All the best to you,

  2. You have written a very interesting yet simple to follow post on how to start blogging and earn a decent income from.

    I really enjoyed reading it and it made me feel highly motivated to start my own money-making blog very soon. You have also included that it’s not a quick get rich scheme but persistence and hard work pay off which is what I believe as well.

    I am going to go join up to your recommended training to learn how to blog to earn money successfully.

    Thank you very much for this info because it helped me a lot.

    • I am very pleased you found my article of interest. Yes, blogging is very easy to do, that is once you know the simple steps to it. Like when starting anything new it seems a little hard to catch on to but after doing it a few times it truely is very easy. Congratulatons on joining and taking the first step towards building your own future. The only thing that will stop you from making money is if you quite because everyone that started with this training and didn’t quite has become successful.

      I already sent you a message on the inside but I will say it again here as well for you. Because you used the link I provided you will get 60% off of the first month but you will have to go premium within 7 days or it’s no longer valid. Here is your first piece of advise, get started on the training now and don’t try to rush it or skip any sections. If you have a question or don’t know something don’t move on untill you find the answer. You can ask me, the group or even the owners if you wish. I would prefer it if you asked me because I want to make sure you are successful.

      All the best with your new online business my friend and I will see you on the inside.


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