What Is 7 Minutes Daily Profits About?

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Hi, I’m Richard and welcome to my review on What Is 7 Minutes Daily Profits About.

I found this program on Clickbank quite a while ago but I put it on the back burner to do a review on it later to find out if it’s legit or a scam. To be honest with you at first glance it appeared to me to be a scam. Most scams have those tell-tail signs that give them away, with this one, even the name doesn’t sit well with me.

What Is 7 Minutes Daily Profits About? - product

7 minutes daily profit. Really?


… I got around to completing my review on this training product and today I will be sharing it with you.

I want you to know that I am not associated with 7 Minutes Daily Profits in any way. This is my personal and honest opinion of this training program.

Congrats by the way for taking the time to research the product before purchasing it. This is a great step in preventing yourself from getting burned by the many scams out there.

If you what to become more knowledgeable about recognizing a scam you can read my article on “How To Know A Scam“. It’s a great little article I wrote so anyone can spot those nasty scams and avoid them.

In this review, I will go over what to expect from 7 Minutes Daily Profits and the chances of you making money with it.

OK then, let’s get to it….

7 Minutes Daily Profit

Owner: Vince Howard

Product: Affiliate Marketing System

Price: $9 plus upsells

What Is 7 Minutes Daily Profits About? - product video

This program is supposed to train you on becoming an affiliate marketer. The cost for it is very low priced which is a dead giveaway that you should expect an upsell or 2 once you pay out the $9 bucks.

They say by using their FREE SOFTWARE you will be able to create a $500 daily income from this program like clockwork. If you read my article on How To Know A Scam then you already know that this is a Red Flag indicator.

Even the first testimonial I listened to claims that by using this FREE SOFTWARE in just 6 hrs he was able to make $703.18 a day. On the second day, he claims he made something like $1400 in a day. This is another huge Red Flag.

What Is 7 Minutes Daily Profits About? male testimonialDon’t fall for the fake testimonials, they are all fake.

All the testimonials in the video are actors you can hire on Fiverr. According to Wikipedia Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services. They were founded in 2010 and is based out of Jerusalem, Israel. They provide different types of services as writing, acting, video creation called a gig for a fee ranging from a few dollars up to thousands.

The guy on the left is supposed to be a truck driver barely making ends meet and then he makes $703.18 6 hrs on his first day after signing up.

They claim all you have to do is spend 7 minutes a day to make these huge profits literally overnight.

What Is 7 Minutes Daily Profits About? - femal testimonialAnd this woman (on the right) claims she made $85,278.15 last month. And just after 3 months of using the software, she made over $200,000.

As you can see in the photo they are available for hire as a spokesperson.

The main points about this program that indicate a scam are:

  1. The high income they claim in a VERY short time frame
  2. The number you make being so precise.

Think about it for a second, no one can claim you can make that amount precisely and be able to do it in ONE DAY.

I have been around online marketing for quite some time and it’s very easy to spot these phony training programs out there.

What saddens me is the fact that this was a Clickbank product. Yes, it’s true I know there are many shady products on Clickbank however I find it Clickbank disappointments me when I see them supporting crap like this.

OK, let’s move on to the training if there is one…

The TrainingWhat Is 7 Minutes Daily Profits About - training

After watching the video they don’t explain anything about the training. Just that you will be using a FREE SOFTWARE but to find out about the free software you have to pay the $9 bucks. Mmmm doesn’t sound like it’s free to me.

This is quite typical of these types of fake offers I see all the time on the internet.

They pump you up making you believe in the system (especially when they hire actors to pretend they make all this money overnight). It’s very powerful in making one believe that it works.

Soooo, what is the product really about then?

OK, so when you pay the $9 you are given a lot of information about how to make money online as an affiliate marketer. In fact, the information is easily found for free online and it’s not even relative to today… What I found was that their information was very outdated and not usable today.

What about the FREE Software

I am glad you asked…

Nope, no free software, it was a trick.

Nope, no refund either.

What you do get is another ad (or upsell) about how you can make even more money with these other programs.


Upsells are when you purchase a product you are then offered another product to purchase. In most cases, the products would be similar to the product you already purchased. For example, if you bought a camera they may offer you a tripod to go with it, or perhaps a camera bag.

With 7 Minutes Daily Profits the other programs that he is offering are also a make money program which he would be an affiliate of those programs and he gets a commission if you buy them.

His offer of a training program to make money using free software is just a trick to get you to pay $9 bucks, then offer you other programs that he gets a commission on if you purchase.

Clickbank offers a 60-day money-back guarantee however I have heard that this program (7 Minutes Daily Profits) doesn’t always give a refund.

The last time I checked with Clickbank on this product it was no longer available, perhaps Clickbank dropped them for not returning a refund and if that’s the case good on Clickbank.

I tried to find out about the creator Vince Howard and I could not find anything on this person which indicates that the name associated with this program is also fake.

Points You Should Know

Listen, Affiliate Marketing is a real and legit way to make money, I am doing it as well as a lot of my friends.

It’s these damn fake training programs or scams out there that are making affiliate marketing look bad.

The truth is most products today are sold by an affiliate marketer. If you have a product and you wish to sell it then the most profitable way to do it is to offer it to others to sell it for you and give them a commission.

Amazon has an affiliate program that anyone can join. And if you sell a product for them then you will get a commission as well.

So, don’t get discouraged by the many dishonest people or scams out there. But do keep in mind, there is no quick way to get rich. It takes a little work but it doesn’t happen until months later.

I made my first sale online 4 months after joining a program but It wasn’t consistent. Just to be clear, the money never just piles into your account like some claim it does, it starts gradually and then climbs faster each month but only if you continue to put the efforts into your business.

The Community

All legit high-quality training programs have a community or a place where you can chit chat with other like-minded people. This helps you to learn and grow at a faster rate. Any program that does not have a community to share ideas and ask questions among other entrepreneurs I would not recommend joining.

Yes, it is that important in your growth as an entrepreneur. You need to be able to talk to other entrepreneurs at the same level.

And this is another huge downfall for 7 Minutes Daily Profits because they don’t have a community.

Who Can Benefit From Copy The Millionaire

No one can benefit from this fake program. There is nothing to even learn from this piece of crap.


Now for my conclusion on my What Is 7 Minutes Daily Profits About? review.

You don’t get the free software they say you will get after paying for it. It was just to lure you into paying the $9 so they can put more offers in front of you.

For this reason, I believe 7 Minutes Daily Profits is a huge scam and I do not recommend anyone to purchase this or any of the other programs that he has to offer.

If you’re looking for a legit training program to getting started online then read my review on #1 recommendation here.

This is the program that works for me and a lot of many others might I add.

There are plenty of articles on my website that can be very informative for you while learning the ropes of online marketing. Be sure to check some of them out.

I would love to know if you found my review helpful and informative, please leave your questions in the comments section below and I will be glad to answer them for you.


7 Minutes Daily Profits






Overall quality



  • It's a low cost


  • Not what it claims to be
  • No Free Software
  • Not a real training program

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6 thoughts on “What Is 7 Minutes Daily Profits About?”

  1. Hello Rick. I am so glad you have done this review. I am too very disappointed and disgusted by the fact that there are people out there selling things like this to the masses. The sad truth is that so many people are looking for a quick way to make a buck, that they don’t want to see the scam. They make themselves believe it is legit and that they can make it work.
    There will always be fools out there.
    But for those that are actually willing to put in the work ( using a legitimate program ) will reap the benefits.
    Nothing comes form nothing – what you put in is what you will get out.
    Thank you for the great review.

    • I agree with you Felicity, what you put in is what you get out. Some are after the fast buck and will rush into some of these fake programs but then say affiliate marketing doesn’t work. If one does not do there homework and research just a little prior to purchasing then they risk falling for those scams. At least I can warn some people and direct them to a good training program.

      Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment on my post,
      All the best

  2. Hi Rick,

    Glad you wrote this review, so that other people don’t get scammed by this program.
    It’s hard to find out the honest ones out there!
    Keep up your good work!

    Kind regards,

    • Thank you for your wonderful supportive words Catherine I appreciate it. Yes, I agree, it is hard to separate the good from the bad ones at times but usually, the scams use bold statements with big income claims in a short time frame. There is not a single program out there that can give you results overnight. They all take time to learn and put into action. The sad thing is that the majority of the programs out there are fake and will never produce any income from them.

      Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Hi Rick. Thank you for sharing your informative review. This is really bad for not keeping the promise for giving refund and no free software. I never believe in a fast way and easy to make money. If so, everybody is a lazy millionaire. I agree, there must be at least some effort and time that we need to put in it. I believe every person also need to go through failure before success. I realize there are lot of these scam nowadays especially during this difficult year. It’s good to see people like you give all these reviews to help to prevent more people from falling into these scams. Keep it up! 🙂

    • Thanks for your comment today Janet. Yes, those scammers are not going away anytime soon. In fact, like you say, they are getting worse, it seems I see a new one almost every day now. But I will continue to do my best to cover as many as I can to help others from falling for the scam.

      It’s true everyone needs to fail before they finally succeed but we don’t look at it quite the same way. It’s more like ‘keep working at it until you get it right’. This is just our human nature, we don’t know how to even walk until we keep at it until we end up running and some even for competition. Making money online is the same thing except having someone like myself to guide you to avoid the big problems like scams (or falling over the stairs when learning to walk). Using the program I highly recommend here is, in my opinion, the best for anyone just starting out because it covers everything to make money online for free.

      Have a wonderful day Janet and thanks again.


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