What Is Affilorama About – My Review

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Hi, I’m Richard and welcome to my review on What is Affilorama About My Review.

I came across Affilorama in 2017 when I first got started online. I was already involved with another product called AWOL or FullStaq as it’s called today but I was always very curious with Affilorama because it sounded very good to me at the time.

So, today I decided to check out Affilorama and share with you all that I know about Affilorama and inform you – if It’s a scam or what?

Will Affilorama be worth your time and money to invest in?

Follow along as I share with you my honest opinion and reveal what this system is all about.

Congrats by the way for taking the time to research the product before purchasing it. This is a great step in preventing yourself from getting burned by the many scams while you search for a legit program to make money online with.

You can read my article on ‘How To Know A Scam‘, a handy little reference to help spot the many scams out there.

Alright, let’s get started…

What Is Affilorama About - My Review -computerAffilorama

Product: Affiliate Marketing

Founder: Mark Ling

Cost: $69 month plus upsells

As I mentioned, I was always curious about Affilorama since 2017. Since AWOL (now Fullstaq) I have checked out numerous other products and it’s about time that I checked out Affilorama.

It turns out that Affilorama is a lot like the program ‘Wealthy Affiliate‘ that I am currently using to build my two websites, this website being one of them.

I always prefer a try-before-you-buy product so the user can get a good feel of what they are getting into before paying a lot of money just to find out it’s not for you.

Affilorama does have a FREE Membership and no limited trial period which is a really good sign.

They also have a promotion where you can get the first month for only $1, which has to be activated within 7 days. The regular cost of the training is just $69 per month.

So far so good, let’s move on to the training…

Affilorama Training

They have a FREE Training package which includes:

  • 80 Video Tutorials, wow that is amazing – none of the high-cost programs don’t even have this many.
  • Written PDF training notes that contain a ton of valuable information.

Most programs out there offering free training doesn’t give even close to the value Affilorama offers. The information is very useful even to the seasoned affiliate marketer. This is a real surprise to me, why give so much away?

Well, let’s see what it covers…

What Is Affilorama About - My Review - trainingThe free training covers:

  • everything you need to know about the basics of affiliate marketing
  • setting up your domain
  • hosting your website
  • setting up your website
  • even covers Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • dealing with email marketing
  • covers PPC
  • how to write content for engagement on your site

I have never come across a training program that offers so much just in their free training.

In other words, just by taking their free training, you will gain everything there is you need to build a profitable website and it won’t cost you a dime. Hey, these guys are giving away more than what the paid programs have for training.

Even the training I had taken with Wealthy Affiliate does not offer as much content as their free offer. This makes me wonder what they have after you go premium.

Let’s take a look at the upgraded or Premium Training…

What Is Affilorama About - My Review - essential resources

Affilorama’s Premium Training

Well, as I expected, their premium training is more limited than Wealthy Affiliate’s premium training.

It makes sense though if you think about it…

… there is only so much content or training required to make a successful online website so if you give away more for free then you will have less for the premium.

It turns out Wealthy Affiliate’s upgrade to premium contains everything that Affilorama gave away in the FREE version.

This review was about Affilorama but now it’s feeling more like it’s a comparison between the two best Affiliate Training packages out there.

Wealthy Affiliate vs Affilorama.

This is the first time I have come across a program that even came close to WA’s training.

Once you sign up for Affilorama’s Premium you get:

  • three more videos of training lessons
  • a monthly webinar
  • interview
  • AffiloMagazine

Not bad but I would be very concerned with a monthly webinar. Most quality training programs include a weekly webinar which is essential for support.

Having only had 3 more training videos in the premium makes one feel they got a better deal with the free version. This made me a little disappointed.

Alright, let’s compare it with Wealthy Affiliate’s premium:

  • First off WA gives you full access to the platform with no limitations.
  • They don’t only have a weekly webinar, it’s a high-quality weekly webinar with a seasoned millionaire that’s been hosting their webinar for the past 10 years. Before becoming an Affiliate Marketer and being hired by WA to host the weekly webinars, he was a radio host for many years. During the webinar he doesn’t just waste your time with needless information or repeats, he gives you a full lesson that you can use and apply immediately to your website to help with your Google ranking to get you on the top of the top. I truly believe this weekly webinar with Jay is worth the premium. Imaginereceiving 4 of these fully packed training webinars each month.
  • Full access to all the previous webinars so you don’t miss any of the gems he gave away before joining.
  • You also get another 50, yeah you heard me right, 50 Affiliate Marketing Lessons. Again no fill in this area either and the lessons are well-thought-out. Some are a little outdated but they are upgrading all the training lessons this year (2020).
  • They also have thousands of searchable training videos.
  • They also allow anyone to complete their own training and upload it to the training platform where anyone can view it at any time. In return, the publisher will be rewarded with points that can be turned into cash.
  • They have a unique review platform where you can request a review of your material. Anyone that completes a review for someone else is rewarded with points that again can be turned into cash. This allows you to request a review at any time and you don’t have to wait days, weeks or even months as I have seen with Fullstaq.

You can check out my review on WA to learn more about it.

Affilorama Community

What Is Affilorama About - My Review - community

There is a community where you can exchange ideas and get advice from others.

I believe Jim Rohn says it best,

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

The people you spend the most time with shape who you are.


It’s the same thing our parents said to us when we were young, “Don’t hang out with the wrong crowd or person, they are not good for you”

In this case, you should hang out in a crowd that has the entrepreneur mindset and because Affilorama has a pretty good success rate their community will of course reflect that. The higher success you get in a program the more help is available and the fewer complaints there are.

You do find a fair amount of frustration among the Affilorama community which no doubt is an indication of a lack of support. They don’t seem to have anyone from Affilorama engaging in the community to answer questions or even give comments when needed for assurance.

Affilorama has the following support:

  • you can call support but it’s only open during the week AND only between 5 pm to 1 am. Most companies will only give support during the week but putting in those limited hours I have never seen before.
  • You have the email support and they say they will respond within 24 hrs.
  • Within the community from other trainees.

If you compare Affilorama with WA, Wealthy Affiliate’s community outperforms Affilorama.

WA is always updating their content regularly however every week you will always see new valuable content added to the community by the community. It is truly a beautiful place for an entrepreneur to hang out.

Their support includes:

  • The community itself where I get an answer within a half hour.
  • Call technical support 24/7, always available even at 3 am. This is important if you have members worldwide.
  • They have a LIVE CHAT with someone in the community if you need an answer immediately.
  • You can even private message any member for support
  • And you can even private message the owners. It works because I tried it with Kyle. (To be honest, I didn’t expect an answer let alone within 5 minutes)
  • One of my favourite places for help is within the training. I have never seen this done before until I got involved with WA. During the training the lessons are very clear and precise but if something is just not clear you can reach out within the training for help. You can also review others’ questions and answers to see if someone had the same question as you.

Affilorama has a nice Community but I would prefer WA’s myself with the extra support.

Who Can Benefit From Affilorama Training

Anyone that may be a newbie or even seasoned Affiliate Marketer is interested in building a website for blogging.

Anyone that has a hobby and wants to turn it into a cash machine. This is also especially useful if you live in a remote area and you want to make money with your hobby.

Both Affilorama and Wealthy Affiliate training programs are designed with the beginner in mind. They will take anyone with zero knowledge of online marketing and train you to be a seasoned Affiliate Marketer within the next few months.

This is not for anyone interested in paid advertising.

It is not for anyone that is looking to make money fast.

Both programs take about the same length of time to build a successful business online which takes anywhere from 3 months to a year depending on the content. If you already have a seasoned website then you can start making money within a couple of months.

With Wealthy Affiliate your profits maybe a little sooner and even higher due to the extra training and fine detail they have in their lessons as well as the live weekly webinars which are invaluable to any Affiliate Marketer.


Affilorama has the AffiloJetpack as an upsell. I personally don’t like upsells.

What Is Affilorama About - My Review - affilojetpack

The Jetpack costs $997 which is not a bad price, in my opinion, to have everything set up for you. This is what Affilorama has to say about their jetpack,

Affiliate Marketing can take a lot of time, effort, and money that not everyone has to spare. If you want to get set up fast with most of the work done for you (and done right!), then you’re looking for AffiloJetpack.”

OK, for my 2 cents worth…

First – Yes it does take a bit of time and money to set up but even if you buy the Jetpack the only thing you are going to save on is the time. The length of time that it takes Google to index and rank your content still takes the same length of time because it’s a new site.

Second – It does not cost any more to set up a web page unless you are interested in paid advertising which can be very expensive. Buying their jetpack will cost you even more. So I have to disagree with their statement that their Jetpack will save you money, in my opinion, it actually costs you more money.

Third – Why pay someone else to do it, just build it yourself using the training and not only save the money you would have spent to have them do it for you but also you will gain the experience and knowledge which you can apply to many other websites later.

Of course, you don’t have to buy the Jetpack but it is an option available for those looking for it.

As for Wealthy Affiliate, they don’t have any upsell so if you are looking for the done-for-you thing it’s not available. WA concentrates on TEACHING you TRAINING you to be successful and they will step in to help you when needed.


Well, it turns out What Is Affilorama About – My Review is more of a comparison between Affilorama and Wealthy Affiliate.

I believe you already know that both Affilorama and Wealthy Affiliate are not scams in fact they are both pretty darn good training programs for anyone interested in building a successful website.

However, for anyone to become successful in affiliate marketing you need several things to help you to succeed:

  1. The very first thing you need my friend is a good mindset. Please, don’t take this lightly, you don’t need to know how you just need to want it. This alone will make you very successful in life. I have written several excellent articles on this subject which you can find on my site.
  2. You need a damn good training program that will teach you to be successful in steps and not try to take a fast route to the finish line. As they say, “Slow and steady wins the race”. Both these programs will give you good training however it’s very clear in my mind Wealthy Affiliate really shines in this area. You will always be given little tips and tricks on a weekly basis you can apply to your website.
  3. You need good support and this is where I believe Wealthy Affiliate shines again. With 24/7 and an outstanding community, you never have to wait long for an answer.
  4. Any training program needs to be updated regularly with new information reflecting the changes as they occur. This is another area where Wealthy Affiliate comes out on top.
  5. You need to follow someone else that you can lean on and be there when needed. This is where I come in, you can ask me any questions at any time and I will help you the best way I can.

I was once where you are and I know how hard it can be to try to go alone, trust me it’s no fun. It doesn’t matter to me which training you take because they both can make you very successful.

If you were to ask me, “Hey Rick, what program do you think I should take?“.

Then I would have to say Wealthy Affiliate for the following reasons:

  • They have a cheaper monthly premium
  • They include everything, no hidden costs
  • Their training is the best you will find out there and is always updated
  • They also include their search engine for free
  • There is nothing better than their community, you will not find a better community for entrepreneur’s to hang out with.
  • Their support is also the best you will find. 24/7, live chat support and even the owners will answer questions for you.
  • They give you a website builder and a hosting platform at no extra cost.
  • They have their own writing platform to make it easier to write your articles which include a spell checker and a grammar checker that is essential for any writer especially if English is not your first language.
  • They also give you 2 free websites and you can host up to 25 domains.
  • The best part is, no other purchase is required with WA and it works

As you can see both programs offer great value and if you are the one looking for the ‘already-done-for-you’ and you have the budget then perhaps the Affilorama Training program would be a good choice for you.

Click here to open a free account with Affilorama now


If you’re looking for a training program that doesn’t cost a fortune and you want to be in the driver seat then read my full Wealthy Affiliate Review or

Click Here To Open A FREE Account With Wealthy Affiliate and enjoy the first month for only $19 when you join.

Wealthy Affiliate is the program that works for me because I love the training, the community, the weekly Webinars with Jay, and I prefer to be in the driver’s seat of my business.

In both programs, you have plenty of time to try before you buy, and both programs offer huge savings in the first month.

If you are just not ready yet to take on training then…

There are plenty of articles on my website you can read that can be very informative while learning the ropes of online marketing, be sure to check some of them out.

I would love to hear your thoughts, please leave your comments below if you found my article informative.

Thank you for taking the time to read it.







Overall quality



  • Has Good Free Training
  • Get first month for $1
  • Training is high quality


  • Not very much training with upgrade
  • Higher cost and has upsell
  • Lacking support

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4 thoughts on “What Is Affilorama About – My Review”

  1. Wow, what a comprehensive review of Affilorama. Even though I know quite a bit about this platform, still I’ve learnt loads from your lovely review.

    I also checked out Wealthy Affiliate as you suggested and albeit Affilorama is a good platform, it’s definitely not as great as the Wealthy affiliate when we compare the price and training. Thank you for doing this review, you saved me a lot of time and frustration trying to figure out which one is best for me. I really can’t thank you enough. God bless you.

    • I am so pleased you found great value in my article, I appreciate you leaving me a comment telling me so. This is why I created this site to help people like you looking for a program. You made my day thank you. Yes, both programs are similar upfront however once you go on the inside and pay the money it seems Affilorama drops the ball. Wealthy Affiliate seems to actually take it up a notch and give you all kinds of value not even mentioned because a lot of it is actually new stuff just keeping up on changes happening every day.

      You will be very pleased with WA’s training I have no doubt, I noticed you signed up today, I will chat and guide you on the inside my friend.

      Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment, all the best with your online business,

  2. Thanks so much for this post. At first, I found it hard to choose where to learn about affiliate marketing. I did the free trial with both and they are both really useful for a beginner. Your post has really made it clear that wealthy affiliate offers a bit more for a bit less money

    • Hi Chris, good for you to check both of the free versions out on both programs. Yes, upfront it seems WA is a better choice but when you actually go premium Wealthy Affiliate really shines with their weekly live content, the extra training they have from WA, the extra training that the experienced entrepreneurs in the community share as well. Remember if you have knowledge to share with others or just an easier way to do something you can create a video and post it to the community for all to learn, WA will pay you for the work you completed. There is no other training program that does that for you.

      The bottom line is you just can’t go wrong with Wealthy Affiliate.
      Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment Chris, I am so glad to be a part of your decision on picking a training program.

      If you do decide to go with Wealthy Affiliate as I suggested in the article, I will be in there helping you along even if you signed up for the free version. Like I said you can’t go wrong.

      All the best my friend,


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