What Is Amazing Selling Machine 12 About – review

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Welcome to my review what is Amazing Selling Machine 12 about?

When I came across this program I honestly thought it was a scam. It turns out that it’s not a scam and quite frankly it was totally different than anything I expected.

So we know it’s not a scam, great, but is it for you and can you actually make money with it?

Is it worth your time and money to invest in his online training?

I assure you I am not associated with Amazing Selling Machine in any way so you can expect an honest review from me.

Follow along as I share with you my honest opinion and reveal what this system is all about.

Congrats by the way for taking the time to research the product prior to purchasing it.

This is a great step in avoiding scams while searching for a legit program to make money with.

You can read my article on “How To Know A Scam” here, this will help you spot those nasty scams out there.

In this review, I will go over what to expect from the Amazing Selling Machine and the chances of you making money with it.

Let’s get started…

The Amazing Selling Machine 12

Owner: Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback

Product: Selling products on Amazon

Cost: Price varies around $4,000

Best For:   Experienced marketers interested in selling products on Amazon

Recommended:   I do recommend this to experienced marketers but not for beginners

What Is Amazing Selling Machine 12 About - If you don't control your own income someone else will

They claim you can take advantage of the greatest wealth transfer of the last 20 years and you can get the free training which you will learn the following:

  • How to build a 7 figure business that profits from billions spent on amazon
  • learn the 5 simple steps to start, grow and scale your own brand
  • why amazon is the easiest marketplace to sell
  • how to find the perfect product to sell with almost no competition
  • the easy way to outrank the big brands and drive traffic to your product on amazon

They also claim that you will only have a short window of a time frame to be able to join because they only accept a small amount to work with and once it is full they close the doors.

Just so you know the so-called free training is a webinar you can attend which goes through their program and will offer their product at the end with a big discount. The price ends up to be around $4,000 which I believe is a little high for the training since you can find the same training elsewhere for a lot cheaper.

The Creators

Amazing Selling Machine is not new by any means. In fact, this is their most recent launch number 12 which has some improvements over the last one.

It was created quite some time ago by Matt Clark (left) and Jason Katzenback.

What Is Amazing Selling Machine 12 About - Amazing Selling Machine creators

So if you see the different numbers after the name or something like ASM8 all it means is the 8th version and this one been the 12th version. Yes, it has been around that long and is doing pretty good but that is due to the advertising they have in place.

Their ads make it appear that it’s a perfect system but in reality, it’s no different than any of the other programs promoting the same thing.


The Amazing Selling Machine Training

Once you sign up for the training it’s actually only 8 weeks long so for the price of $4,000 it works out that it will cost $1000 per week. I do not believe this program is worth the $4k when there are cheaper training programs out there.

This program is a step-by-step approach that will teach you to sell products on Amazon for a profit.

Have you ever purchased a product and somewhere it says “Fulfillment By Amazon”?

This is called ‘Amazon FBA’, making one believe that it is filled by amazon which drastically increases the chance of a sale over someone else’s product.

The training program includes the following components:

1) The New 9 Module Online Web Class (valued at $4997)

Gets you started, launch and scale on Amazon FAST with their step-by-step training program that you can watch anytime. This is where most of the training takes place in setting up and getting you going. They do have plenty of videos that walk you through the whole process.

2) The ASM Mentor Program (valued at $3497)

Build your business faster no matter your experience level with this team of highly successful amazon sellers ready to help you.

3) The Private ASM Community (valued at $997)

Get insider strategies and meet top Amazon sellers in the private community. Lifetime access included

4) The Private Resource Vault (valued at $1497)

Access our own personal contacts and resources and get private discounts with this special component of ASM valued at over $10,000 alone!

5) Ultimate Software Tool Suite (Valued at $2997) (Brand New For ASM12)

Find hidden opportunities that have high sales and low competition with the click of a button. Perform in-depth market analysis automatically on all your product opportunities. Rank on Amazon fast using a 100-year-old retail strategy adapted for e-commerce.

Bring the total value of ASM to $13,985

I did not go into detail with these programs to save space on this blog.

As I mentioned it’s an 8 week-long course in which they provide downloadable PDF references.

The cost only covers for 1 year which you have an option to renew.

They also hold live events to attend.

You do get a lifetime membership to the community.

What Is Amazing Selling Machine 12 About - $26 million retail sales are shifting online

How Does Amazon Selling Machine Work

I find it’s like dropshipping because in dropshipping when someone buys an item the item is sent from a warehouse to the customer and the seller never gets to handle it.

It may seem to have similar parts to dropshipping however there are a few parts that work a little differently with ASM12 which goes like this:

  1. You pick a product to sell
  2. choose from different suppliers from China using Alibaba
  3. Order your large shipment of products and have them shipped to the Amazon warehouse. (this creates the ‘Fulfillment By Amazon)
  4. Now market your product
  5. The rest is handled by Amazon which includes the packaging, labels, shipping, and even the returns.

Of course, this is the summed up version and the actual process takes a bit more involvement.

When it comes to advertising, dropshipping requires you to become good at advertising while ASM you are mostly setting up for the best price on Amazon which is not all that easy to do.

Super Affiliate System Community

What Is Amazing Selling Machine 12 About - Amazing Selling Machine Community

There is a community where you can exchange ideas and get advice from like-minded entrepreneurs.

They also have a Facebook Form where you can engage with members as well.

There are a lot of members that are doing very well with this program and offer to help anyone in the asking.

The members are very active and you won’t wait very long to get a reply in return.

Achievement Badges

Achievement Badges are awarded to members when they accomplish a task as you progress through the training. If you have to do something you simply get a Badge for the success of completion which is also shared in the community.

What Is Amazing Selling Machine 12 About - Amazing Selling Machine Guarantee

ASM Guarantee

I believe they have a very good Guarantee that goes well with the program.

You can request a refund for up to 30 days which they say they will honour. Some have complained that 30 days is not enough because it can take that long to get an order placed with Amazon.

So they decided to add that if you fail to sell your products in 6 months they will buy all your inventory back from you up to $10,000. I think that is pretty awesome if you ask me.

Keep in mind this is not something you see often and in fact, it is the first time I have seen it myself. I believe this just shows the confidence they have in their system which outshines the competition by a long shot.

This does make it pretty much RISK-FREE but you do have to come up with the cash in the first place to get started.

ASM12 Other Costs

As I have mentioned it costs a lot to get started with this training however that is only the beginning of the costs. When you are dealing with products there is a cost that is associated with it with the handling of it. The following are some of the extra costs you will run into with this program:

  • There is a cost to research for products to sell
  • Freight Forwarder’s Fees
  • The huge cost to ship the products to Amazon Fulfillment Center
  • What about the cost to have an account with Amazon
  • Any products sitting in Amazon Wearhouse holds a monthly storage fee.
  • The cost to ship the add labels to a product and ship it.

These are the majority of the extra costs associated with selling products on Amazon. As you can see the profit margin gets pretty small by the time the product ends up in the buyer’s hands. Then if they make a return there is another cost.

The Pros

  • It’s a very good training platform
  • Everything you need to know is in the training
  • They walk you through the process using rewards to keep you engaged
  • Their guarantee is outstanding, making it risk-free to try.
  • Because of the high cost, only those serious will get involved with it

The Cons

  • It’s very expensive for anyone on a budget ( there are much cheaper training programs available)
  • You are dealing with real products to sell which can take time to find.
  • There are plenty of other costs involved which adds up to a lot of money upfront.

Who Can Benefit From ASM12?

This program is more suited to someone that is interested in selling real products on Amazon. However, it is not suited for anyone that is on a budget because the overall cost to get set up and going is going to be thousands of dollars before you even see a dime in return.

If you are looking for a budget-friendly program to make money online then check out my #1 recommendation that is designed with the newbie in mind and you can even try it out for free.


In my conclusion of What Is Amazing Selling Machine 12 About I first have to point out that this program is NOT A SCAM.

There is a lot of people making a lot of money on Amazon after taking this training however spending more money on this training than a lower-cost one does not guarantee your success.

The whole program is very professionally done and no doubt you will have the knowledge to become successful.

Keep in mind it will cost a lot of money upfront which is hard to say just how much because it also would depend on what products you choose to sell. If I was to guess I would say you would need around 6 to 7 grand to cover the first shipment of products and after that hopefully your products will bring back some of that cash.

As with any real business, you should not expect a profit for at least 6 months and just keep putting the money back into the business.

There are much simpler, easier and a whole lot cheaper ways to make money online.

Because of the high cost to get set up and the ordering of products I would not recommend this program to anyone that is on a tight budget.

If you are looking for a legit and affordable way to make money online then check out the program that works for me here.

It’s designed with the beginner in mind and you can even try it out for FREE.


Amazing Selling Machine









  • Outstanding Training
  • Excellent Guarantee
  • Good Community Support


  • Training is very pricy
  • The extra costs not revealed

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8 thoughts on “What Is Amazing Selling Machine 12 About – review”

  1. Great article! I looked at a lot of YouTube videos about this product and never heard about the training they offered. I agree with you it’s a very expensive product, it’s better to learn affiliate marketing and maybe try the Amazon Selling Machine after your website give’s you a good income, maybe that would make it easier to pay for it. But I know that sellers on Amazon make tons of money!!!

    • Thanks for dropping by Line. Yes, I have to agree with you to first learn affiliate marketing using this quality training program here. Then, if you are interested in selling on Amazon you would have the finances to support it.

      That would definitely work but do keep in mind they are both different ways of selling a product.

      With Amazon, you are required to do a lot of buying, dealing, and you have a lot of overhead costs plus dealing with another country. The expenses do pile up before you know it. Once you spend a year or two doing it you will become more efficient at it.

      Some people don’t want to have the extra burden of having to do all that involvement and running a blog page as an affiliate marketer is plenty of income and involvement. And with the low startup and running cost of affiliate marketing, it’s very difficult to get it wrong and lose money in it.

      But like you said in either case get started with the blogging site first and branch out from there if it truly interests you.

      Thanks for leaving a comment Line,
      All the best.

  2. Honestly, I was 100% sure that I found the right course for me until I saw the price tag.

    $4,997 for a course is just too much for me at the moment, and I believe the same goes for all the other affiliate newcomers out there.

    The Wealthy Affiliate seems like a far better alternative, and the fact that they offer a forever free membership tells me something. I’d rather give WA a shot than waste 4K on a course that doesn’t even let me preview it.

    Nice review btw!

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Gorjan. The price for the program is a little high I agree however many actually don’t think so. There are plenty of takers to spend the money but they are focused on selling products on Amazon. The program is at its 12th-year upgrade so someone is paying into it.

      I agree with you Wealthy Affiliate is a way better alternative for a few reasons.
      1 – You don’t need to deal with physical products coming from China and having to store them with Amazon.
      2 – A much lower cost to get started which means a faster return
      3 – You are not competing against thousands of others for market share
      4 – WA has a very low cost to set up and to keep running

      Yes, WA does have a lifetime free membership but for anyone serious about making money online they will want to take it a step or two higher and the best way to do that is going Premium.
      Premium gives you more lessons that dive in deeper allowing you to fine-tune your website for better optimization. You will also continue to get full support and free access to Jaaxy which is worth the upgrade itself. And this is only a few of the benefits of going Premium with Wealthy Affiliate you can click here to get the full details about Premium Membership.

      I am pleased you enjoyed my review,
      All the best.

  3. Hi Richard,

    Great review of the Amazing Selling Machine 12. I have to agree with you and others that the price tag for this course is quite steep. However, for anyone who works in the industry, you know that single SEO conference can cost well upwards of that amount. I am very happy with the training I receive over at Wealthy Affiliate and not interested in selling on Amazon so this wouldn’t work for me. How would you say this product compares to WA?

    • Thanks for dropping by Dev. To answer your question, both of these programs are totally different products. The Amazing Selling Machine 12 was created for experienced marketers interested in selling physical products online. Wealthy Affiliate was created for both the beginner and experienced marketer interested in creating a blog page to create money.

      Amazing Selling Machine 12 cost:
      – thousands to join
      – have to buy products upfront
      – pay to have your products stored at an Amazon warehouse
      – if you don’t sell you still have to pay for the storage of the product
      – extra costs for shipping the products and docking fees etc

      Wealthy Affiliate costs:
      – try for free
      – $49 a month when you join
      – $13 for domain name

      As you can see the cost difference is huge when starting out which is one reason why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate.
      They have it designed that way to help you make it work online for you.

      Thanks for the question,

  4. Selling products on Amazon may be a good option for those with experience in selling, but there’s no guarantee you’d make any profit. As you pointed out, the costs involved in setting everything up are high. The training sounds excellent, and I’m sure if you’re really serious about FBA, this could help you get up and running. However, the price of Amazon selling machine is very high and you’d definitely need a large budget.

    • Kathy, you are correct. It is very expensive to get started and besides one does not need to spend that kind of money to get started online making money. Not many are interested in having to manage and ship thousands of products around the world just to store them in Amazon’s warehouse until you get to sell them off.

      The best way to make money online today is through my Top Recommended training designed with the beginner in mind. This is the one I recommend to all my family and friends because you don’t need a lot of money to build a very profitable business right from the comforts of your own home.

      My link above will also get you 59% off on your first month.

      Thanks for dropping by Kathy and leaving a comment,
      I wish you all the best, take care.


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