What Is Rich Dad Summit About – Legit or Waste of time?

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I came across this program that took me by surprise. I thought of sharing my findings so welcome to What Is Rich Dad Summit About, is it legit or a big waste of your time to attend.

What is it? It’s a 2-day Virtual Summit that’s taught by several highly successful people that speak about their own experiences in how to create your residual income and break free from the 9 to 5.

The best part is that they were all where you are right now and are willing to share with you the secrets that worked for them to help you on your journey to success.

The sad news is that the event is over but you can attend the recording for just $1.

I want you to know that I am not associated with Rich Dad Summit in any way. If you are looking for an honest opinion on this program then keep reading as I reveal the truth and perhaps even save you some time.

Congrats by the way for taking the time to research the product before purchasing it albeit this one wouldn’t be a big loss from your pocket.

So, in this review, I will go over what to expect from Rich Dad Summit and the chances of you making money with it.

OK, let’s get started…

What Is Rich Dad Summit About - Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Summit:

Owner: Robert Kiyosaki and Anik Singal

Product: Speakers at Live Event about Making Money (recording)

Cost: $1 plus upsells

Designed: For newbie’s or experienced

So what is it?

Rich Dad Summit was created by Robert Kiyosaki and Anik Singal in 2017. They put together several speakers that started with nothing and build themselves up to become millionaires. The live event lasts for 16 hours where each speaker talks about their experiences and shares advice. It’s designed like Robert’s book with the beginner in mind that helps them find their path to a residual income.

After attending this I would definitely say YES

… by all means, I highly recommend attending this awesome educational event.

Especially if you are just starting to learn about residual income. And if you have not read his book, you must attend.

I don’t normally be this blunt but trust me this is worth every second of your time, it only costs a buck so why not?

Click here to go watch it now – for only $1

I received a lot of quality advice many years ago through his awesome book called Rich Dad Poor Dad. So, I knew this was going to be a huge hit when I first came across it.

If you are one which could not wait to attend it, great go enjoy it but don’t forget to come back and I will share with you some ways you can put their advice to work starting today.

And for those still reading… I will go into some detail about the event…

So What is Rich Dad Summit About?What Is Rich Dad Summit About - Robert Kiyosaki speaking on stage

It’s a 2 day LIVE webinar that you get to watch from the comfort of your home which makes it very convenient to attend especially in today’s busy households. The live event was held on 9 and 10 December of 2017 which covered 16 hrs of material.

Albeit the event is long over, the value they presented to their audiences was on huge demand and so they released a recording of the event and only charge a buck for attendance which is awesome and also leaves no excuse for anyone not to attend.

Because it’s now a recording you can watch it at any time – making it even more convenient.

I suggest finding the time to sit down together with your spouse when the kids are in bed.

If you read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad then you know Robert Kiyosaki. This is also a popular book to read by all entrepreneurs even today.

Robert along with 8 other successful entrepreneurs got together to deliver a 16 hr speech over the 2-day event.

And after the event, they truly wanted to pass their message along to everyone and inform them that it can happen to you as well if you follow some simple advice they share. To do this they decided to only charge $1 so that it’s accessible to all with no excuse, which shows that only those that truly want it will get it.

I believe the value of the recording is worth hundreds, I am still shocked they are charging so little to attend the recording.

Who Can Benefit From Rich Dad Summit?

I believe those that will gain the most from this event would be anyone new to the concept of residual income. These are the ones it was designed to educate and help.

They know because they were once there themselves when they first got started. No doubt they have had their doubts and failures just like anyone else however they kept following the words from their mentor and kept at it until they became successful.

It’s a great event for anyone:

  1. looking to break away from the 9 to 5 regime
  2. working a dead-end job with no hope for the future
  3. want to have their own business
  4. looking for an income to live on or replace that pension when it runs out
  5. looking for a residual income
  6. looking for that freedom to be and do what you want

And quite frankly, if you can’t find $1 to gain access to listen to the advice of a bunch of millionaires then perhaps this isn’t for you yet.

The information is very basic so if you already have a business you may find it a little boring but I will leave that up to you.

The Rich Dad Summit Training

Ok, it’s not a training but a webinar. They do teach and share a lot of good value so it could be considered training.

Here is a list of the speakers during the event:

What Is Rich Dad Summit About - Robert Kiyosaki and 8 other speakers

All the speakers will share their personal experiences throughout the 2-day event. Here is a breakdown of the topics covered during the 2 days.

What Is Rich Dad Summit About - what you will learn in day 1

#1 Secrets To Building Long Term WealthRobert Kiyosaki & Jeremy Bellotti

#2 Diving Into The CashFlow QuadrantAndy Tanner

#3 Being An Entrepreneur – Jeremy Bellotti

#4 The Best Online & Offline Business Opportunities – Andrew Lantz

#5 The Fastest Way To Start a Business – Jeremy Bellotti & Anik Singal

#6 Assets vs. Liabilities – Andrew Lantz

#7 Demystifying the Stock Market – Andy Tanner

#8 An Email List as an Asset? – Anik Singal

#9 Building Your Success Team – Jeremy Bellotti
What Is Rich Dad Summit About - what you will learn in day 2

#10 Success Is SimpleJeremy Bellotti

#11 Profit From Real Estate… The Rich Dad Way! – Robert’s Real Estate Investing Coaches

#12 The Opportunity In Bitcoin – Max Wright

#13 How to Leverage The Global Economy to Develop a Business – Fred Lam

#14 The Power of Soft AssetsAndrew Lantz

#15 The Tax Savings of Becoming an Investor & EntrepreneurTom Wheelwright


#16 How To Protect Your AssetsGarrett Sutton

As I mentioned it is only $1 to join. This will get you the full coverage however they know that most will watch, dream and do nothing afterwards with the information they just gained.

For those that have an interest in learning more, they have the upsells where they allow you to take it a step higher.

Each upsells will give you more in-depth knowledge on the subject and it’s well worth the value they offer it at.

Here are the following upsells they offer:

Rich Dad Insider – Contains 15 modules with monthly updates (has 14-day free try before you buy) $67 per month


5 Money Rules – This is more about a mindset with money that the rich use. $97

I didn’t buy these upsells so I can’t comment on their content.

What I like about Rich Dad Summit:

  • This is great for newbies finding their first steps into the business world. We have to start somewhere and we all have to learn the lessons that are required and this is a good way to do that.
  • The cost is so small that on one side it’s available to everyone however on the other side it’s a little too cheap which a lot of people may not take the information seriously.
  • I like the fact that the speakers are all well known and highly successful in what they do.
  • The fact that you have a recording is fantastic to watch again if you wish. You are not busy taking notes.

What I don’t like about Rich Dad Summit:

  • It’s so damn long, I found it difficult to watch through the whole thing and had to break it up into sessions. I believe I watched it in 5 different sessions.
  • I don’t like upsells however in this case you get in, learn a bunch of stuff and then decide to upgrade or not.


For my conclusion on What Is Rich Dad Summit About. It holds a lot of basic information about making money in general.

The program is not a scam and is a good source for anyone new to learning about residual income.

To check it out just click here to pay your dollar and watch the video at your convenience.

After watching the recorded video you should have a better idea of the basic concepts of money-making. You should also be thinking about creating your own source of residual income.

To create your residual income you will also need high-quality training. Rich Dad Summit gives you the basics but it does not show you how to do it.

If you want to learn how I create my residual income click here.

In my opinion this one by far out weights any other training program out there for building an online business the right way.

This is the program that works very well for me and you can even try it out for FREE.

What Is Rich Dad Summit About - stop struggling to make money online

Rich Dad Summit






Overall quality



  • Great Low Price
  • Wide Coverage Of Topics
  • Watch At Your Convience


  • Very Basic Information
  • More For The Beginner
  • Has Upsells

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4 thoughts on “What Is Rich Dad Summit About – Legit or Waste of time?”

  1. Hey, this is a really amazing website, very informative and transparent. Anyone could see the value you are sharing here. I for one will be coming back to see this training and will be looking forward to it but for right now I am extremely busy. I checked out your #1 recommendation and am on my way to building a great future for myself. Thank you for sharing this valuable, all the valuable information. I will share it with my friends.

    • Hi Miriam and thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment. It sounds like you are very excited about what I shared with you, that’s awesome. Yes, you can watch the Rich Dad Summit anytime, it will be a great asset towards your goals and Wealthy Affiliate is an awesome training platform to take you there. If you have any questions please ask I will be more then happy to answer them for you.

      Thanks again for your comment Miriam
      All the best with your future

  2. Thanks Richard, for this review. The cost is nothing, but 16 hours! The point if one has already seen or studied a lot of material, that there will many overlap with things already known. And you’ll never know upfront which information will be redundant.
    Anyway, thank you for taking the time to watch the videos and to write this information. 🙂 Have you played the money game of Kiyosaki? That’s also a good exercise!

    • Hi Hannie and thank you for your comment. Yes, there will be a lot of material that one may already know however like you said you don’t just what you may not have seen before and besides it’s a great refresher if you can stay awake through it. You can always chop it up into 1 hr segments or something like that to suit your needs. The point though is that it was more meant for those that are new to it which if they are interested in learning this stuff I am sure they would be able to sit through it easier but no doubt will still have to break it up.

      Yes, I have played the money game albeit not this time around. It is a fun game and I would advise anyone to have some fun with it.
      You are very welcome my dear and I am very pleased you enjoyed the article.

      Thank you for dropping by Hannie,
      Have a great day


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