What Is Simple Wifi Profits About? – Review

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Hi guys I’m back with another review What Is Simple Wifi Profits About?

For those that don’t know me, I’m Richard and I love to do reviews on money-making products and weave out the scams.

I want you to know that I am associated with Simple Wifi Profits which gives me the experience to tell you what it’s really about. If you are looking for an honest opinion on this training program then keep reading as I reveal the truth as I see it.

Congrats by the way for taking the time to research the product prior to purchasing it. This is a great step in preventing yourself from getting burned by the many scams while you search for a legit program to make money online.

Trust me I know where you are because I was once there myself and I know how frustrating and difficult it is to find a money-making program that is not only legit but can actually work for you as well.

So, in this review, I will go over what to expect from Simple Wifi Profits and the chances of you making money with it.

Let’s get started…

Simple Wifi Profits

Owner: Chris Eom and Andrew Wright

Product: Make money online with FaceBook advertising

Cost: $1,479 or 3 payments of $577What Is Simple Wifi Profits About - contents

I was unable to find any information on these two guys and that could be because this was the first product.

When I first took a look at this program it appeared as a scam to me because they claim that they made $80,000 in a single day. I have been at this long enough to know that albeit it is possible it usually takes quite some time to reach that amount of income as an affiliate marketer. It’s usually those that have been at it for 5 to 10 years that get to see those kind of figures.

Once I got into the details I could see how they could be making those figures in a very short time frame.

Here’s why…

  1. These guys have based their whole program on just one product theme called Weight Loss which is one of the highest interest today on the internet. Why, because over 60% of North Americans are overweight and they want to lose it. Yes, it really is that simple.
  2. The other good thing about the weight loss theme is that it’s in the evergreen market. What’s that? According to webmindset the term evergreen is used for the products that stay relevant over a long period of time. We North Americans love our food but we also want to stay slim and good looking, it’s hard to have both without a weightloss program.
  3. Of course, the third reason for such high results is because they are advertising on one of the highest growing social media platforms out there called FaceBook.

Combining these three factors can really explode your affiliate business very fast. I know because I have spent thousands of dollars on Facebook.

What Is Simple Wifi Profits About - Learn more

Simple Wifi Profits Training

What Is Simple Wifi Profits About - Simple Wifi Prifits Training

To my surprise, the training covered a lot of material. Again I thought it would be one of those scams where you are promised the world and end up with a cheap layout of material for training. You know where they just dump a load of basic information on you to make you feel like you got a training program for your money.

Well, it kinda felt like that at first however there was something different about the training modules – they had a purpose to them and that is to teach you something specific that others were not doing.

Here, let me explain…

… instead of teaching you everything about the internet and just overwhelming you. They focused on one product, one advertising platform.

Because they are focusing on just one niche they won’t be covering as much as some of the other legit programs out there. In other words, you will not come away as a well-informed affiliate marketer however you will have everything in your grasp to make money and if that is what counts the most for your then this program will work for you.

Of course, if you do have the need to learn more about affiliate marketing you can always take up a high-quality affiliate program when you’re ready.

For what material is covered, and there is a lot, I must say it is done incredibly well. The first thing I took noticed was how young they are, I mean very young to be doing so well in affiliate marketing.

The second thing that really shined about these two dudes was the amount of enthusiasm they have in their teaching, they are very easy to listen to, they do draw you in.

The third thing which is of most important is that these guys do know what they are talking about so be sure to pay attention to them. I suggest replaying the videos at least a couple of times to let the information sink in.

They cover everything you need to be successful online with just one niche and one way of advertising keeping it very simple for success.

They won’t step outside of FB advertising because:

  1. Facebook is the best place to advertise today and will be for some time. Now since the pandemic, FaceBook has lightened up on their rules a little which means a lot more ads are getting approved sooner.
  2. They also want to keep it simple and so they don’t talk about any other way of advertising.

Keep in mind it will take practice to get it right so don’t expect your very first ad to be a home run.

You will have to spend some time at the bat to perfect it. Of course, that is with everything so it’s nothing new.

Their training doesn’t leave you guessing on what to do next or leave you stuck on how to do something which I liked a lot. So many courses, even the professional ones sometimes leave you guessing on what to do next, not these guys.

Their modules are put together in a very efficient manner so you won’t be wasting any time on garbage.


The Training has 7 modules or chapters as they call it:

Chapter 1: Affiliate Marketing 101 – This covers the basics of affiliate marketing. Like many programs, it covers everything you need to know.

Chapter 2: Funnels 101 – This one goes into explaining The Simple 3 Step Funnel that all the big players use today in advertising on FaceBook. You place your ad on FaceBook, create your landing page where they will land when they click on your ad, the landing page gives a basic intro to the product and when they click on the join button they are taken to the product page where they can buy the product. All the products they use are on ClickBank.

Ad on FaceBook     >     Landing Page     >    Product Offer    >     Your Commission Check

It may sound more complicated than what it is right now and in fact, there are 80-year-olds, men, women and even teenagers able to do this once they follow the step by step training.

What Is Simple Wifi Profits About - Simple Wifi Profits ManualChapter 3: This module goes over setting up your landing page -I must say they do this very well and is easy to follow. They do have a simple unique way of teaching. They don’t assume you already know anything, they just teach it and then make sure you got it.

Once your Hostgator platform is ready to go they give you the swipe files which are the landing pages already done for you and you just upload them and make some simple changes and your done.

Chapter 4: Building Your Empire – This module or chapter is all about making money with Facebook Ads. For every $1 spent on ads, you will make $2 back which means you doubled your profit.

This may not seem much to you right now however there is no other way to make that kind of profit. Invest $1000 into advertising and imagine you getting $2000 back.

But remember it takes time to learn it but once you got it you don’t lose it.

Chapter 5: Making Stuff Happen – This chapter is Gold when it comes to Facebook advertising. Seriously, these guys know what they are doing and they make it so simple. Their object in this module is to teach you how to create the PERFECT Facebook Ad. Once you do that you are set to rinse and repeat. It becomes a walk in the park.

Chapter 6: Scaling to the Moon – Up to now you learned everything about FaceBook advertising and even perfecting it. This chapter takes it up a notch by taking your $1 spent and getting $2, $3 even $4 back. This is where things really start to take off. They cover everything you can imagine on scaling:

  • doubling down
  • cloning
  • zero targeting
  • lookalike ads
  • re-targeting
  • narrowing
  • and so much more
  • audience search

Chapter 7: Super Affiliate Hacks – Up to now the training is completed and your off-making money however this chapter covers some of the tricks of the trade. I call it fine-tuning your advertising campaign but however you call it, it’s valuable stuff to know and won’t make sense to you until you completed the previous chapters.

What Is Simple Wifi Profits About - Want To Earn $600 per sale?

Simple Wifi Profits Community

They do have what I consider to be essential to making it online and that is a community where you can exchange ideas or get help from fellow marketers.

To my surprise I didn’t find that many members engaging within the community and it would be nice to see more people involved in it. Perhaps the training was clear enough that they didn’t bother with the community.

They do have the monthly LIVE coaching call with Chris and Andrew and they also bring on other students who share their experience and give tips.

The Cost Of Advertising

As I mentioned they teach you to advertise on a highly profitable platform called FaceBook.

Keep in mind that not very many will profit with their first ad placement. The reason is that there is a lot to learn just with FaceBook advertising which there are many today that still struggle with it.

The biggest problem with Facebook advertising is adhering to its policy. If you don’t follow their policy you will get your ad shut down and possibly your whole ad account.

It’s not hard by no means, it just takes practice to write the way Facebook wants it.

Well, you have three things which will help you with Facebook advertising:

  1. Chris & Andrew decided to put together a done for you campaigns where they give commission bumps and share some high ticket strategies.
  2. They also help to fund the first few ads for the fast action takers reducing the need for a high budget when getting started.
  3. The third is that since the covid outbreak Facebook has eased the rules quite a bit making it a lot easier to advertise.

Apparently, this program ran for a while at a cost of over $20,000 but only as an upsell. In other words, you could not buy this program before because it was never advertised. And many of those that did purchase through the upsell claimed they made in excess of $40,000 a month.

According to Chris himself, he will be closing the doors on new members soon to this low offer and will be sold as a call funnel for a lot more money.

If you want this system click on the above link to grab it.


Who Can Benefit From Simple Wifi Profits

This is a training program for anyone that’s looking to promote weight loss products. It’s also great for anyone that is looking for everything done for them.

Of course, because it’s focused on one product and everything is done for you it also means that you won’t get to learn affiliate marketing as well as taking it from a full professional affiliate training program like Wealthy Affiliate, you can read my review here.

It’s also great for anyone interested in FaceBook advertising because not only does it cut to the chase it’s one of the best programs I have seen for FaceBook advertising.

On the other hand, you may be able to make money a lot sooner with less technical stuff but keep in mind it will take time and a lot of practice. Also, because you’re advertising on FaceBook you will also need a much bigger budget

Diversification is very important in any business which this one doesn’t have. Sure you have other weight loss products to sell however they are only supporting and teaching weight loss.

So if you are interested in another product to promote then this may not be the training for you. However, you could always get started with this one and then move on to another niche later on.

The good news with the weight loss niche is that it’s not going away anytime soon, we North Americans are getting bigger, not smaller and other countries are following suit right behind us. There are plenty of people making money just in the weight loss niche so if this works for you then go for it.

On the other hand, if you’re not into FaceBook advertising then I don’t think this is the program for you either.



Let’s recap What Is Simple Wifi Profits About?
First, because they offer not only a training program but a very good one at that. And their program is designed to get straight to the point, and that is to make money.

It’s very clear that Simple Wifi Profits is not a scam.

With that said I would like to cover some of the things I like and dislike about it.

What I like about it:

  1. I like that it’s very simple and straight forward with nothing added
  2. It’s advertising on the fastest growing platform which has the fastest and highest potential
  3. The training is very clear and covers everything that you need.
  4. They support the first few ads to help with the budget until you get started which is unheard of in this industry.
  5. The targeted niche is one of the highest interest on the internet today and will be for a long time.


Here are the things I don’t like about it:

  1. They make it sound like it’s a win-win situation however that is not the case. Not everyone will be able to make this work for them and there is no flexibility in the training to compensate for that.
  2. They are only supporting one niche and not everyone is interested in that niche, it would be nice to see a few other choices to pick from.
  3. The program does not cover everything about affiliate marketing. I believe if you are interested in affiliate marketing you should take a legit full training program to learn it. This will build diversification.
  4. This is advertising on FaceBook and even with their help for the first few ads, it will still cost a lot for advertising which means you will need a much greater budget to get started than my #1 program I recommend for beginners. As an example, you should expect to spend $20 a day for at least 6 months before things start to take off for you.
  5. It’s more expensive than some other Facebook training programs I have reviewed and it’s also a lot cheaper than some others.
  6. There is no home web page where visitors can come back to visit for repeated business.


If you’re looking for the fast track to making money online I would say this would be it. Keep in mind it may take several months before things really take off.

These young guys did awesome building a program that is so simple and straight to the point however not everyone has the budget for this training.

Also, some of us want more than the basics to give us diversification.

As well there is no home page where people can come back to visit on a regular basis. For longevity, it has been proven that having a webpage creates a lot more stable income albeit it may not be as fast-starting out it does keep growing to give you a nice income to live on.

If you’re on a tight budget and can’t afford the high cost of advertising it’s ok I got you covered…

Check out My Wealthy Affiliate Review for building an online business the right way and on a budget. This is the program that worked very well for me and I know you will love it as well and you can even try it out yourself for FREE.

My review covers everything about the program so be sure to take a few minutes to read it, it will be well worth your time.

Be sure to leave your questions or comments below.

All the best


P.S. Listen, I don’t want to see you fall for those fake programs out there, I know it’s sometimes very hard to tell the good  from the bad when your a newbie, so…

… I put together a few articles here on my website to help you out, feel free to read them, they sure won’t hurt and will only take a few mintues of your time and will be well worth it.


Simple Wifi Profits






Overall quality



  • Simple High Quality Training
  • Focus On One Niche One Ad
  • They Cover The First Few Ad spend


  • Expensive If on a Budget
  • No Flexibility in Program
  • No Webpage for Repeat Visiter

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4 thoughts on “What Is Simple Wifi Profits About? – Review”

  1. Rick,

    Thanks for giving this program your attention. I’ve been looking into it elsewhere but it’s hard to trust some of the opinions out there when they have an affiliate relationship with the program they are reviewing. I know you do as well, but you aren’t afraid to point out the negatives. From your review, it looks like Simple Wifi Profits doesn’t have many negatives though except for the price and lack of flexibility.

    The “no website” I don’t see as much of a downside because it removes the maintenance and you could always build your own website with additional content to push more traffic to the Landing Page if you wanted.

    I’ve added this to my shortlist because the cost is out of my range at the moment. I may take the leap on it once I have the money though.

    Keep up the great work,

    • Thanks for dropping by Sean and leaving a nice comment. In my reviews, I try and point out the pluses and minuses in the programs so as to give a clear view of what to expect, no surprises. As with the website, if it’s not supplied with the training then like you mentioned you can easily provide it yourself albeit you may in some cases need a little training on the subject which you can get here for free. They also provide 2 free subdomain names for free as well you can use as long as you wish. That is a great idea to start off with a quality training package first and jump to the more expensive one at a later time.

      If one is to take a free lesson like with the #1 Training I recommend for newbies here, and then add to that once you are confident with online marketing especially if you’re interested in Facebook Advertising which can cost a lot of money. By building a nice income from an affordable training package then add the higher costing programs at a later time frame will definitely help in becoming successful in online marketing.

      And of course, you can always choose to stay with the free training program by upgrading to their premium package which gives you a lot more advanced training and also will get to use their free word search software to use for free which every affiliate marketer requires to become successful as an affiliate marketer. It’s like having a road map to your customers.

      Thanks for dropping by Sean and I wish you all the best,

  2. Hey Rick, first of all, thanks for your honest review of Simple WIFI Profits. I’ve been meaning to read one of the reviews of this product for so long. Thankfully, I found your post here and I’m sure about my decision.

    As a relatively experienced marketer, I can see why this product is surrounded by hype. You’re absolutely right. Everyone wants to lose weight. And almost everyone is using Facebook. So when you combine those two with affiliate marketing, you could really earn some serious cash online.

    Another thing that I like here in your review is the part where you talk about training. I hate when programs are designed just to justify the price they charge you. Seems like Simple Wifi Profits has a head and a tail, which is awesome.

    However, my personal concern is Facebook itself. Although it is a great place to run ads and get leads, it could also cost you your entire saving to learn what a failure is. Ironically, this happened to me when I was getting started. I believe this program is on point when it comes to FB ads, but still, I tried free traffic and SEO and will never turn back!

    In any case, thanks again for your awesome review. I’ll be sharing this! And I’ll definitely check out your recommendation as well. I have already been on your site, but I missed to click on it to see what you have to say there. Keep up the good work!

    • Glad you could drop by and share your experience with us Ivan, I thank you for that my friend.

      I understand where you are coming from, or shall I put it this way, I know where you are at on your journey in affiliate marketing.

      Advertising on Facebook is not as “cut and dry” as we may think it is. There are different forms or ways to advertise on Facebook, as well as, there are different experienced affiliate marketers. When you add the two together you end up advertising differently according to your level of experience.
      I remember my first experience advertising on Facebook, two and half years later I gave it up promising myself never to go back there. Today I am back to advertising on Facebook with a different mindset.

      A long story short, we much learn from others and apply the techniques so we can then learn from our mistakes. Advertising on Facebook is a difficult thing to do when you are a beginner. There is only one way out of being a beginner…

      … This is when we reach new knowledge and heights in our business, any kind of business.

      You are very welcome, I know how hard it is to find the quality stuff to learn from and want to avoid wasting our time. Just remember, even those times you consider your wasting your time, you are learning and the bigger the lessons learned the stronger you become.
      There is no shortcut to becoming a successful affiliate marketer however you must always believe that you are until you become so.

      Yes, please share this with those you believe can benefit from it and for sure you much check out my Top Recommendation because that my friend is the foundation we all need to reach success.
      And you get to learn it for free, how good is that. Once you spend at least a year with this training you will have a successful website up and from there you can expand.
      To expand you have to go where your mind takes you, this is why I have so much detail on all the programs so you can better pick to add to your already success.
      Of course, some programs are just a complete waste of time to try however read them carefully because you will be loading your mind with more ammo for your business.

      Thanks again for dropping by Ivan, I wish you all the best and if you have any questions, please ask.


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