What Is Teespring About?

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Welcome to my review on What Is Teespring About?

Can you make money with it? Is it Legit or a SCAM?

Teespring is a service where you can upload your designs to them and they will print your design on clothing then market it. When someone purchases a product with your design on it, you will get a piece of the profit.

This can be a fun way to earn extra money without any money and very little time involved to do it. You can upload a design very quickly and sit back to wait if it sells.

The question is, is it legit and are others truly making money with it?

Are those that are claiming they are making $2500 a week telling the truth?

These are some very important questions to ask when getting involved with any online marketing scheme which I will be covering in this article and a lot more so stick around and let’s find out if Teespring is for you.

I want you to know I am not associated with Teespring in any way so you know you will be getting an honest review.

Congratulations by the way for taking the time to research before purchasing it. This is the best way to avoid scams while you search for a legit program to make money online.

I wrote an article called How To Know A Scam you can read here. it’s an excellent article in helping to identify the tel-tail signs of a scam.

OK, let’s get started…

Teespring (Spring) Overview

Owner:   Walker Williams and Evan Stites-Clayton

Product:   Upload Your Design For Profit

Cost:    $0

Best For:   Amateur T-shirt Designers

Summary:  Teespring allows anyone to upload their design to be printed on clothing. Where there is a big enough demand for your design they will print it and ship it out to the customers. For everything product that gets sold the designer will receive a profit in return set by him. It has recently been renamed from Teespring to Spring so both the names are the same company.

Recommend:   Yes but it’s not my top recommended program

You Can Check Out My Top Recommended Program Here

What Is Teespring About?

Teespring was created in 2012 by Walker Williams and Evan Stites-Clayton. They came up with the idea to allow amateur T-shirt designers with no money for manufacturing to have an opportunity to have their designs printed for profit.

The concept slowly took off and now 4 years later Teespring boasts over $58 million. Many of the contributions coming from Khosla Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz.

Their plant is in San Francisco and is doing so well they are looking to expand their inventory by selling other personalized branded products by designers over the globe.

How does It work?

Anyone with a design in mind can go on Teespring and upload it onto the site. Using their design software you can create a design for T-shirts, hoodies, socks and mugs plus others. Then you share your link onto your social media platform for exposure where they can buy the items. Everything is handled by Teespring.

The designer sets a price for the shirt and the sale is launched on the Teespring website.

This saves a lot of time and money on your part.

The sale of the designed T-shirt doesn’t go live until a certain number of shirts get preordered. Once there are enough orders to make it worthwhile to do the printing the design is sent to their manufacturing plant in Kentucky, which is then shipped to the purchasers. The difference between the sale and T-shirt design price is then sent to the designer(you).

The Benefits To The Designer

As the designer, you benefit by:

  • Get to design your own logo
  • Get it printed when there is a big enough demand for it
  • No cost for manufacturing or overhead of running a business
  • No inventory of shirts to worry about
  • No Shipping to deal with
  • No shipping costs to worry about
  • Receive a profit with no expenses involved

Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it.

Well, yes it does however in the year 2015 alone 30 sellers sold more than $1 million in T-shirts on Teespring.

They have shipped out more than 17 million T-shirts worldwide by 2015. In 2016 they expanded their business by allowing designers to create custom merchandise outside of T-shirts like hoodies.

Is Teespring Legit?

Yes, they are legit and in fact, had signed a partnership deal with the NFL to be allowed to sell licensed apparel with the team’s logs on Teespring’s website. Needless to say, other sports leagues are getting in on the action.

No doubt there will be plenty more to be joining.

Sales continue to increase each year and more than $200 million was paid out to designers worldwide between 2012 and 2016. In fact, in 2015 1 in 50 Americans had bought a T-shirt.

Does Teespring Payout?

As I have mentioned above, they have paid out $millions to designers.

One does have to keep in mind that they don’t pay out until there is an order for the design and the order has to be a certain amount or it’s just not worth the cost to print it.

There are plenty of reviews on their site from people complaining they didn’t get paid however they always are the ones that believe the first design they upload has not brought in any money. If the design is not attractive to many customers you will have a harder time selling it and therefore may take longer to get a payout.

The thing to keep in mind with anything you are interested in making money online is to stick with it for some time before throwing it in the towel and you have to have patience. Give it some time to work but come with another design.

How To Get Started With Teespring?

To get started just go to the Teespring website and create your account. You will need an email account and password and that’s it you are in.

Inside you will see your store already set up for you and a popup will take you through in welcoming you and getting your store set up to be more of you. Don’t worry it can be changed later but the idea is to get to know your way around.

There is one thing you will have to do is to create your own domain which you will have to purchase if you don’t already have one.

You can click the x button at any time to end the tutorial.

You will eventually have to connect your social media accounts to your store as well.

There are a few more things like setting up the canvas to give your store some design look.

Once you have your store setup move on to the fun stuff.

Getting Started With Your Design

Here you can create a design for different variety of items such as:

  • Wall Tapesty
  • Stickers
  • Mugs
  • Canvas Prints
  • Phone Cases
  • Wall Tapestry
  • Flags
  • Tote Bags
  • Apparel
  • Indoor Pillows
  • Socks
  • Posters
  • Beach Towls

That is a lot to choose from compared to when they first got started with just the T-shirt prints.

If you can come up with some cool designs there should be no problem making money with this program.

Creating Your First Design

You don’t have to finish setting up your account to give your design creativity a go.

On the top right-hand corner click on the Create Design.

Now you have to pick a product you wish to design something on it. I will pick men’s Staple Tee and have some fun with it to show how simple it is.

Once the window pops up you are ready to design. Click on the text button and start typing in some words.

I typed in a few words to get printed on the shirt, they do make it simple and easy to do. In a few minutes I have my design done. Check it out below…

Here it is in gray shit.

That was quick just to show how easy it was but if one was to spend a little time on it they could come up with all sorts of ideas that could sell. Of course, you would have to search the internet to see if it’s already taken because you can create one that someone else has already taken.

Selling Your Product

Now all I do is hit the done button and I can choose other styles of products to promote as well. They automatically create many other products for you which makes it really easy to get started.

You also have to choose the price you are asking for the product. This is your product and it’s up to you how much you want to ask for it. Of course, if you ask took much you may not make as many sales. Too low and you lose out on some profit.

Teespring also shows your profit at what you sell the product for. There is no calculation involved to figure it out.

You will also create a profile for the product to help sell it. This will be what your customers will see when they view your product on your website.

I quickly made a stainless steel mug. These are now added to my store to sell which I will buy myself because I love it.

Now, all you do is send your link to your friends on Facebook or even on your blog and if they like it they will buy it.

If you create a design that targets a specific occupation you can create an ad on Facebook to target that occupation.

You can also create a pin for the product to gain free exposure to your store.

If you don’t know how to do these things don’t worry I will show you below how you can learn.

Teespring’s Mixed Reviews

Sad to say, not everything about Teespring is great. In fact, there are a number of issues with Teespring I believe they need to get straightened out.

On Trustpilot you will find a lot of reviews concerning Teespring.

The average ranking for Teespring is only 3.5 which is not that good, I like to see it a least over the 4.0 but preferably 4.5 to 5.

Here are a few of the complaints I found about the company.

Some have even had their account shut down and deleted without even a warning.

Another complaint was that the print washes off or peels off very easily on the first wash.

Plenty Of Complaints

There are plenty of complaints on Trustpilot you can check out for your self which a lot of them do display a huge concern for. It appears they seem to shut you down for any reason without even contacting you on the subject. This is rude behaviour for a company to treat their customers.

One complaint I read stated he ordered from them in 2015 but never received his order and did not receive a refund. Not only will they not refund his money but they continue to send spam to his inbox 6 to 8 times a day. He finally had enough and is now in the process of taking them to court.

This seems to be an issue with these online companies that don’t put customer service first. These young entrepreneurs grew too fast and they don’t know or are not willing to take care of their customers.

Good News

The good news is that these complaints on Trustpilot seem to be getting Treespring to start responding back to these upset customers.

This is a good thing and if they do this will be one of the best areas to make money fast providing you have a way to advertise.

Only time will tell if they get their problems resolved.

What I Like About Teespring

  • You create the design and advertise your products, Teespring takes care of the background for you.
  • A fantastic way for anyone with no money to start making money within a few weeks depending on your design.
  • You don’t have to stockpile the products.
  • If your design doesn’t sell you are not stuck with a pile of products that are not selling.
  • No overhead costs involved
  • No loan to start up your business.
  • You get paid per product sold and you can set your own price.
  • Their software is very easy to use
  • You can have an order for a group and everyone goes to the website to make the purchase making it much easier to handle.

What I Don’t Like About Teespring

  • You can create the best T-shirt or product however it’s up to you to sell it. You have to advertise your products, they don’t offer any training in that area.
  • Advertising is usually the biggest cost of any product, if your product doesn’t get in front of anyone it won’t sell.
  • The design is very restricted meaning your print can only go on the front and back of the shirt. You can not print on the sleeve of the shirt.
  • The design print can not be a very complicated one or it doesn’t come out clear. This is one of the biggest complaints.
  • Their customer service has not always been the best to deal with. It can take a long time to get a response back from them if you even do.
  • They do not ship outside of the USA

It does take a lot of advertising to sell the products and unless you have a large network or know how to advertise for free or have a budget to support advertising on social media it can be a difficult time to sell them. But this is by no means a game stopper, the program doesn’t cost anything to join and you can build as many products as you can. Over time your products will find their way through social media and reward you handsomely.

How I Make A Living Online?

Thank you for reading my article What Is Teespring About? Or shall we call them “Spring” as that is now their new name.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Teespring is a good way to start making money quickly with no money down providing that you have the knowledge and way of advertising the products like a large following on social media.

I believe in order to take full advantage of this opportunity you will need some training on free advertising so the advertising doesn’t cut into your profits. Having knowledge of handling a webpage wouldn’t hurt however not as essential.

This is why I advise taking a quality course like my Topy Recommend Training on the basics of online marketing so that you are well equipped with the knowledge to take on any legit profitable opportunity that comes your way.

I have been making a living online now for the past 4 years and I can tell you this from the bottom of my heart.

The best way to make a living online is with Affiliate Marketing because:

  • you don’t need a product
  • you are not tied to any product to promote
  • there is no recruiting involved
  • you get paid for what you are worth
  • pay raises come naturally
  • it is the lowest entry-level into online marketing

The best part is that everything you do towards your own business never goes away. No one can shut you down because it’s yours and they don’t have any rights to it.

Click Here To Learn How I Make A Living Online!

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4 thoughts on “What Is Teespring About?”

  1. I looked into Teespring some time ago but was put off by a few of the points you mentioned. These include not being able to sell orders singly. In the end I chose Printful as they’ll print just for one order. I wasn’t aware of all the negative reviews on Trustpilot, but they would certainly make me think twice. If you don’t mind waiting for enough orders before getting paid Teespring could be worthwhile investing time in. However, learning about all aspects of online marketing is a far better idea. Your recommendation teaches you everything you need to start a successful online business.

    • Good day Kathy and thank you for sharing your experience with us. It’s always good to hear from others’ experiences with products. In some cases not being able to ship single prints can be annoying however the idea is to find a product the customers wish to buy. This way no money or time is wasted on designs that are just not selling. The downside is that you do have to wait sometime before getting any sales.

      Yes, Teespring or Spring as they call themselves now has a lot of negative reviews and they range from poor customer handling (or non at all) to poor quality prints, missing orders, sending the wrong order or items. The list just goes on which is enough to scare anyone away however on the positive side of the reviews there are plenty that is doing very well with it. I do believe it would depend on the design, more simple using single colors or black and white does not seem to have as many complaints.

      The other side of the equation is the cost per T-shirt printed. Both Spring and Printful costs about 15 to 16 dollars per print & shipping which leaves the remainder to you as a profit. Both these companies have a high cost for production which means you have to price your product higher to get the same profit and a harder chance of beating your competition. The lowest cost to print and ship a product is Printify at around $11 per shirt. I have not completed a review on Printify so perhaps it’s time.

      Of course, the other thing we have to be concerned with is the quality and how much you can print on your products. Teespring does have a limited amount of printable space you can use like you can’t print around the sides and you are limited to just the front and back which is fine for most prints.

      In either case, I believe one is truly better off as you mentioned to learn all areas of marketing so one can get a good understanding of the whole concept. It doesn’t take long and it’s not very expensive to learn it especially through my Top Recommended Program. They still teach better than any other company out there and at a lower price too.

      Thank you again for dropping by.
      May your days ahead be blessed,

  2. Great review of teespring, it’s such a shame they have so many negative reviews.

    As the concept seems ok, however if your just deleting customers profiles with no good reason, you have to consider the companies motives.

    This kind of niche is getting more competitive as more people are doing designs themselves with their own kit.

    There’s no quick way to make money online, if there was everyone would do it.

    You need to put the work and time in, this concept is great, just seems like the people behind it must sort problems out.

    Too many bad reviews are hard to shake off.

    It’s great it doesn’t cost much to get going.

    As you mentioned, there’s other ways of learning how to start business online and it’s worth checking that option.

    • Thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes it’s true it’s sad the company would do that by that will be a cost to them. Yes, there are a lot of bad reviews and for reasons that the company just doesn’t seem to want to take care of.

      The customer will just move on to another POD. As you say, the competition is getting stronger all the time and today there are plenty of POD’s to choose from. This was my first review on POD company and I do like it.
      Be sure to come back for the next review that I am working on, it will be a comparison of several POD’s indicating the pros and cons of each. I will also give my recommendation which one would I believe would be the best choice.

      POD’s are a great way to make money however not everyone kits a home run the first time. For most, it will take a few designs before they find one that sells pretty good to bring in the money.

      Thanks for your comment and take care for now,



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