What Is Website ATM About? – scam alert

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When I came across this product the first thing I thought was that it’s a complete scam. Of course, we never know until we check it out which led me to write What Is Website ATM About?

I will warn you upfront not to expect to make money with this one because you won’t. I just want to put that out there right now.

Let’s clear up something first I am not associated with Website ATM in any way. If you are looking for an honest opinion on this training program then keep reading as I reveal the truth about this program.

Congrats on taking the time to do your research before purchasing it. This is a great way to help avoid the many scams while you search for a legit program to make money online.

I wrote an article “How To Know A Scam” which you can read here. It’s a great little article that I put together to help you spot most of the scams out there.

Affiliate Marketing Getting Bad Name

It’s a shame because it’s these types of programs that are giving affiliate marketing a bad image.

Affiliate marketing has been around long before the internet and is a legit way for both the manufacture and the promoter (You and I) to make money. In fact, without the affiliate program, many manufactures would have a hard time selling their product.

The problem today is that there are so many people looking to make the fast buck even if it means taking advantage of others. And of course not only does it give affiliate marketing a bad name it also makes it difficult to find a legit program.

And that is why I created this website, to inform others of these shady programs and to help those that are looking for a legit program to make money online with.

So, in this review, I will go over what to expect from Website ATM and the chances of you making money with it.

One last piece of advice before I get started, if you happened to end up buying this trash then I suggest you go get a refund ASAP.

OK, let’s get started…

Website ATM

What Is Website ATM About - Do you want to make $500 a day

Owner:   Nick Harvey

Product:  Affiliate Marketing

Cost:    $47 plus upsells

Recommended:   No


Website ATM says their system is a done for you type program where all you have to do is purchase it to make money. By using just a single click you can create as many websites to generate as much money as you want.

It’s supposed to be created by Nick Harvey who claims to be an ex-accountant.

When you first watch their video it comes across to a newbie as legit because of all the hype they put into it and the testimonials sure help. He also says he wants you to keep this a secret. Sorry but there are no secrets on the internet.

It may come across as legit to a newbie however from an experienced eye it clearly comes across as a “Get Rich Quick Scheme” especially if you compare it to my article on ‘How To Know A Scam.

What really gives this one away are:

  • the huge income claim in such a short time frame
  • make all this money by doing nothing
  • the precise amount of money that you can make

If you fell for any of these then go read this article here so you may become more familiar with how online marketing works and what it truly costs. No doubt this will save you a ton of money and time.


Website ATM Training Program

If you’re interested in knowing more about this program then let’s have a look at the workings?

There are many types of ‘get rich quick’ programs online these days and more popping up every day. These types of programs are easy to identify because they always claim you can ‘make x amount of money in a short timeframe doing nothing’.

What Is Website ATM About - single mom makes $89,844 a year in her spare time

Affiliate marketing is real and anyone can make an unlimited amount of income from it but it will take some work to do it just like any other business.

Like many of these types of programs it too has an upsell where they will try and pump you up making you believe you will do it faster and better with this other program. They offer an upsell called Easykits which will cost you thousands if you fall for it.

They promise to deliver to you a website that they have build for you which you will begin earning right away.

The truth is that they only offer you a simple template of a website for you to use. The problem with that is that everyone is using the same thing and is impossible to make money with it because you will get flagged for spam.

The real problem with Website ATM is that they don’t give or show you how to generate traffic to your website. Without traffic, you can’t make money.

This is where they offer you another program to make traffic that costs $997. Yeah really, they are scammers and will do or say anything to get your money.

What Is Website ATM About - Amazon Traffic Secrets

The second two above are the upsells that are supposed to get you all that traffic to make you all that money in a short period of time.

I have been doing this for years and I am telling you there are no secrets to making money with affiliate products. There is no value in any of the above packages, in fact when I clicked on the two right ones they both took me to the same landing page.

These sites always try and make it sound like affiliate marketing is some big secret or something but in reality it’s not.

Steps To Making Money As Affiliate Marketer

To make money as an affiliate marketer all you have to do is:

  1. Build a website of your niche
  2. Put some content on it that attracts people to it by giving them value
  3. Contact some companies and request to be an affiliate for them
  4. Place the affiliate link in your content on your webpage
  5. When someone reads your content and sees something they like and buys it
  6. You can also make money by placing Google Ads on your site
  7. You collect your commissions


And that is all there is to it. Sure there are some technical parts that you have to learn however it’s all very easy. If you’re interested in learning more about the procedures sign up for a FREE account here and learn to build a website in 10 easy to follow steps that don’t cost you anything.

There Are No Secrets

You will quickly learn there are no secrets to affiliate marketing.

The biggest problem most people have with setting up their website is choosing a niche. Your niche is more like the theme you focus on. Everything on your site would be based on the theme.

For example, if you are selling shoes perhaps your website would be on a specific brand of shoes. For fishing, it could be on boats or s specific fishing rod.

All you do then is build content about your products and add the affiliate links to your article.

Getting traffic does not come from Amazon or from any of your affiliates. You have to create your traffic yourself and to do that all you have to do is just place an ad on Facebook or on any other social media and you will get traffic.

Of course, again it’s a lot better to learn it from someone that has already done it so you can pick up their tips.

Sign Up Here for a free account and these guys will cover everything I just explained to you in 10 easy-to-follow steps that won’t cost you a dime. You won’t even have to take your Credit Card out.

I am sorry but you will never get a better deal than this on the internet. If you do decide to keep your website running you can go premium at any time which they have plenty of training videos and help to take your website to new levels.


Website ATM Fake Testimonials

This one does it a little differently than most of the other fake programs out there.

They use popups to splash on the screen other folks that are making it rich with this program.

One that I noticed was a girl called Nicole from Illinois.

Knowing very well that no one is actually making money with this program I had to find out who this person is.

What do know, I found her image on Stock Photo.

What Is Website ATM About - Beautiful blonde woman

As you can see this person doesn’t even exist in their program. Her photo is for sale to use by anyone for a very low price.

This is typical of these scammers, even the testimonials they have on their site are fake. Of course, the reason they use these fake testimonials is that it makes it more convincing to the viewer.

So now that we have discovered the fake testimonials let’s have a look at the owner himself.


Website ATM Owner

Every time I come across a fake program it always turns out that the owner is fake as well and wouldn’t you know it I couldn’t find anything on this guy. Of course, I am not surprised.

They do this to protect their name and avoid lawsuits. This also makes it difficult to get a refund back but try anyway if you happened to buy this crap.

With a real legit program, the owner doesn’t hide because they are proud of their program. Just like I don’t hind because I am proud to help others to become successful by pointing out the frauds, the legit and the best training programs out there.


Who Can Benefit From Bulletproof Profits

I am not going to beat around the bush on this one…

This is NOT for anyone.

This program is nothing but a fraud that is out to steal your money, stay away

If you sign up for this you are basically throwing your money away.


What I Like About Website ATM

Nothing, there is nothing I like about it.


What I Don’t Like About Website ATM

Everything about this program is fake and fraudulent.

  • The training is not what it’s advertised to be
  • Outrageous make money claims
  • The Owner is fake
  • Fake testimonials
  • Videos contain basic information you can find online for free.

– The biggest thing I don’t like about this program is that it’s a copy of several other programs that ran for years that are also all fake. These guys are just copying their program and making some face changes with a different name than running it again.

How I Make A Living Online

I know my article What Is Website ATM About maybe a little late coming for some of you folks out there however there are plenty of others that I hope will it useful.

If you are one of the unlucky persons that fell for this BS then by all means try and get a refund ASAP.

The other thing you can do is contact your sources of payment like the Credit Card company or your bank and inform them about this fake program.

Another great way is to share this article with your friends and family so they are informed. Let’s do our part to protect as many as we can from these crooks.

If you’re tired of all the scams
out there, check out my #1 recommendation for building an online business as a beginner.

This is the program that got me started and you can even give it try for FREE.

Website ATM






Overall quality



  • There is nothing good about it


  • Training not what is advertised
  • Outrageous make money claims
  • Fake Owner and Testimonals

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4 thoughts on “What Is Website ATM About? – scam alert”

  1. Another one that requires no work and promises huge returns.

    Come on…

    It seems for everyone you expose, Rick, another one pops up.

    Well, at least they’re keeping you working.

    WA is pretty much the only one I have found that does what it says, doesn’t make silly claims and offers a lot of training. While the price of WA might put some people off, the amount of material, hosting and community are worth it in the end. Thanks for showing the path for me, I would hate to be the one still trying to find my way online today.

    Cheers, Rick.

    • Hi Michael, yes, they just keep coming. There are a couple of reasons why we are getting so much more of these fake training packages. One reason is that those that make the fake programs learn which ones pull in the best and so will create a duplicate of the same one with a different name.

      The second reason is that there are training programs out there today teaching others to create those fake programs along with the software to do it for you.

      These people that create the fake programs are after the money but will never be happy with themself because they know they are not liked and those that do seem to like them eventually finds out that not only are they fake but they are the ones that ripped them off creating bigger hate.

      A fake business is not very stable and eventually, the internet will become smart enough to detect these fake programs and will shut them down before they even get a chance to make any money.

      Google has done wonders with building bots that detect what is written which means it’s only a year or two away before the fake programs will be gone for good.

      Today it’s even more important to take the steps I have pointed out to build a business online the right way using Wealthy Affiliate Training. This will build a solid business with a residual income for the rest of your life.

      But more importantly, you will have a business you can be proud of and tell your friends and family. You will have earned your income and not by steeling it from those that look up to you for help, thereby creating real friends in the process along the way.

      Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is the only place I know today that offers a whole lot more for your money and never stops giving value to you.

      Plus their training is nowhere else to be found and from all the programs I completed a review on WA is the only one that has such a huge positive going community where everyone is there to help each other. You are never going to find someone in the community that can’t find the support they are looking for.

      The best that I can do is just keep doing what I know best and that is to keep finding these fakes out there and writing a review on them.

      Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment Michael, I appreciate it.

  2. Hi Richard, thanks again for another great review, and this time about website atm.

    The amount of scams out there is so unbelievable. I always tell people not to easily fall for those programs promising they can help you generate money in a short amount of time and without effort. That’s just not true.

    People have to know that making money online is the result of working hard and have the right tools and mentors. But not by using some get-rich-quick schemes that only want to steal people’s money. I hate that!

    People should read this review, you’ve perfectly exposed this scam!

    • Thanks for leaving a comment Warren and you are very welcome. There will always be some that fall for these scams unless they come across this website. To be honest, this one is a pretty easy one to detect however there are plenty of the type that sits on the fence and can be very hard to detect their truth.

      I will do my best to cover as many of those scams as possible.

      Thanks for dropping by Warren,
      All teh best to you.


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