What Is 12 Minute Affiliate System About? – My Personal Review

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Welcome to my What Is 12 Minute Affiliate System About – is this just another scam or what?

If you have come across this program while exploring ways to make a little money at home…

… then congratulations on finding this article.

I am about to reveal the truth about this so-called 12-minute affiliate system.

My motto is “Learn before you burn“…

… which I truly believe it’s a great way to avoid scams.

I know how difficult and frustrating it can be to find an honest program to make money online which is why I created a website to separate the wheat from the chaff. If you’re looking for an honest real training program then check out my #1 recommendation below.

This review will help you determine if the 12 Minute Affiliate System is worth your time and money.

Alright, here we go…

12 Minute Affiliate System

These two guys, Devon Brown and David Sloan are claiming…

  • – You have the potiental of making millions of dollars as a stay home mom
  • – you can be setup and ready to make money in 12 minutes
  • – you can start making money before you go to bed tonight
  • – you can start making over $460 a day with this new system

These are easy claims to put in black and white but do they hold up…

If you have read my past article “How To Know A Scam” then you probably already recognized one of the signs we look out for…

Let’s not waste any more time and learn what it’s truly about…

Product Overview

Name: 12 Minute Affiliate System

Owner: Devon Brown & David Sloan

Website URL: http://12minuteaffiliate.com

  • Training: 3 out of 10
  • Support: 5 out of 10
  • Website Platform: 1 out of 10
  • WordPress Hosting: 0 out of 10
  • Research Tools: 0 out of 10
  • Success Stories: 0 out of 10
  • Price: Starter $9.95, upsell $49.95    5 out of 10
  • VeteransAffiliateSuccess.com Rating: 5 out of 10

Who Can Benefit From 12 Minute Affiliate System

This training package is for those interested to become an affiliate marketer that wishes to use solo ads for your traffic.

If you’re looking to advertise on Facebook this may not be for you unless you already have training.

This is also for those that are looking for a funnel already completed for them. They even have a way you can pay them to set it up for you. (I always recommend doing it your self so you know how)


The Training

What Is 12 Minute Affiliate System About? - My Personal Review - trainingTheir training teaches you to become an affiliate marketer. It’s very short because it doesn’t teach you all the steps in setting things up as a quality program would. These guys have it done for you like the other copy and paste systems you will find in my reviews.

When you copy and paste stuff already done for you, you don’t actually learn how to do it yourself. These kind of programs albeit were once a popular product has long fallen by the wayside – they are no longer as attractive.

They also claim it’s so easy you will be making money by the time you go to bed tonight.

When I hear bold claims like this it raises red flags as I point out in my article on “How To Know A Scam”.

There is no doubt these guys are using words to lure innocent folk in to grab their money. When someone is not truthful upfront I suggest walking away.

In the training you get the things already done for you like:

  • sales letters
  • opt-in forms
  • landing pages
  • ads

These things are not hard to learn and can be a lot of fun doing it your self which I recommend.

The concept of their training is to use their already made sales funnel products (listed above) to promote other people’s products you find on Clickbank or any other site that offers products for affiliates.

Keep in mind…

This is not a try before you buy system however they do have a refund if not satisfied which I believe they will hold up because the program is through click bank. I always recommend purchasing any of these products through PayPal because they will refund you if the company falters.

The training has a step by step process to easily follow and complete the tasks with very little difficulty. This is easily achievable because there really isn’t a lot of steps in their program. And you can even pay them to do those as well.

I do like the fact they have both the video and written instructions to follow, I learn better with both my self.

They give you 3 niches to choose from:

  1. weight loss
  2. make money online
  3. relationship

These are the biggest money-making niche’s and will help you to get started. If you’re interested in a different niche then you will be writing your own content. This is not a big deal because most of the products you promote share their promotional material that you can copy from.


The training steps go like this

What Is 12 Minute Affiliate System About? - My Personal Review - product offer

  1. They teach you to create an Affiliate account
  2. Get you to purchase an auto-responder (this will be an extra cost to you)
  3. Show you how to set up the auto-responder
  4. Activate the 12-minute affiliate funnel
  5. You can also pay them to do steps 3 & 4 for you

If this sounds great and you’re ready to get started… great

… but before you do let’s take a little closer look shall we?

There are other expenses you have to keep in mind that they don’t tell you about:

  • You are going to be spending money on the auto-responder software (this is an external program)
  • You are also going to have to spend money on solo ads which will cost quite a bit on advertising.

Solo ads are lists you buy that you can send your ad to. Every time you do that it costs you from $50 to $1000 depending on the size of the list. The list is rented so don’t expect a huge return.

The success rate on these solo ads can vary greatly depending on the supplier. You can lose a lot of money with some of the crappy suppliers out there so be careful and do your research before purchasing any solo ad list.

The only way to know if your solo ad list is performing is to track it. It is very important to track your progress with these solo ad suppliers and confront them when the results are below what they claim.

And the best way to do that is to purchase yet another program called Clickmagic. This is one of the most powerful tracking programs out there to keep track of solo ads, Facebook ads or keyword clicks.

You can go here to read my article on the extra software required for most of these programs they fail to tell you about.


Website Platform & Hosting

What Is 12 Minute Affiliate System About? - My Personal Review - platform

As I have mentioned in previous reviews the first time I bought a Domain Name, loaded the hosting platform onto it, installed WordPress and then built my website… it took me 3 weeks.

This guy says you will be up and running making money overnight.

His platform is a basic site where you can get access to his simple copy & past training, nothing more.

No hosting required for solo ads so you don’t need a domain, hosting software, WordPress, security software, or click funnels, which is a plus.



What Is 12 Minute Affiliate System About? - My Personal Review - community photo

They do have a community you can mastermind with other members however the term mastermind falls short when you discover everyone in the community is having the same issues of trying to figure it why it’s not working.

When you have the majority of the group struggling to make it work it quickly becomes very frustrating.

The community is set up like many of the lower grade training platforms that take the cheaper way out by launching it on Facebook. This somewhat degrades the quality of feedback and you lose some of the more professional services you see with a dedicated community platform.


Research Tools

Research is the key factor in determining if you are going to make money or not online. After all, that is probably how you found my page. My advice is to research every decision you go to make online.

Remember my motto: Learn before you burn


Let’s sum up my review on What Is 12 Minute Affiliate System.

For one, the total cost for the program is:

  • $9.95 to find out what he is offering
  • then upgrade to $47
  • purchase auto-responder software
  • purchase tracking software
  • purchase solo ads


The solo ads in my opinion are the biggest downfall for this type of business. The lists come from unreliable sources and with most of them, you will find they fall short on their claims just like a lot of stuff we see online today. It’s a shame but that’s the cost of having a worldwide web at our disposal.

It’s up to you to figure out if it’s the solo ads list or your ads that is not working which is why you need a tracker.

The biggest problem with this training program is that Devon Brown owns it. He is considered to be one of the biggest shady characters out there. I personally would avoid anything with his name on it which includes the solo ads list he recommends to purchase in his program (Udimi).

Yes, I would recommend this training to anyone interested in solo ads affiliate marketing

However, if you’re going to take him up on his training then I would suggest using another supplier of solo ads. His are known to be under par.

There are much better and cheaper training programs out there than this one.

If you read my article on “How To Know A Scam” you would recognize several of the warning signals within the 12-minute affiliate system.

Can you make money with it? Yes if you were to take what you learned and apply it using other means of traffic but don’t expect this to work overnight.

It takes hard work and time to build a successful online business, there is no overnight success, it can take months or longer. In my experience all the make fast money programs out there are FAKE.

If you’re looking for a high-quality proven training program to actually teach you the correct way to make money online go read my review on Wealthy Affiliate here.

If you have had any experience with this product please share it below, would love to hear from you.

When I first got started in Affiliate Marketing I had lots of questions which I’m sure you have too.

I hope you found this review helpful…

Thanks for reading,

P.S. Below is a summary of Copy Past Income VS Wealthy Affiliate.

12 Minute Affiliate






Overall Quality



  • Training is very easy to follow
  • Great for those only interested in solo ads
  • Quick way to get started


  • Have to upgrade at $49
  • Have to purchase extra software
  • The solo ads list is poor quality

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8 thoughts on “What Is 12 Minute Affiliate System About? – My Personal Review”

  1. Great review

    Thank you. I have been looking at 12 minutes affiliate system for a while and now you have explained everything so clearly.
    I am shocked that it mostly a copy and paste meaning that you will not learn the skills you need.

    • I am so glad to be of help, it’s great to hear from my readers how I saved them time and money by avoiding the bad apples out there. I know there has been a lot of people that have fallen for that program only to be very disappointed in the end. The sad thing is most never try anything else so they never get to reach their dream. If your still looking for a good legit training program Thabo check out my #1 recommendation review I mentioned in the article.

      Thanks for your comment and I wish you all the best,

  2. Thanks for this review on 12-minute affiliate system of which you covered all the important points.

    I have vaguely heard of this guy Devon Brown before and it wasn’t good either.

    In my mind solo ads are not good at all. Just think about those subscribers getting bombarded with emails. They’d surely be off like a shot if they had anything about them or maybe they do like junk been sent to them.

    Copy and paste that’s all this program is.

    I’m actually surprised that you gave this program a 6 out of ten.

    Thank you for sharing and bringing to our attention yet another one to avoid.

    Great article


    • Thanks Mick for stopping by and leaving a comment. You are very welcome for the review. Yes it’s just a copy paste program like many you see out there that is disguised as a NEW training program.

      I have to agree with it that it’s not worth 6 and in fact I noticed I had put 5 check marks not 6 in the bottom Comparison Chart so thank you for pointing that out to me.

      The only reason that I give it a 5 is because they do have the 5 check boxes which they do offer those however they are a very low quality very short training which won’t get you very far in the online world.

      Take the support for example, they offer support but it is only for the lessons they give which is to copy and past the material. This don’t required very much support not like a training package like my # 1 recommended product where the training takes you months to really learn it and they support you for YEARS.

      However they do offer support which I am only trying to be fair.

      Thanks again Mick for your comment,


  3. Hey, Rick, a very good review of 12 Minute Affiliate. I’ve seen this course promoting itself all over the place, mostly on ClickBank. At first, it sounds like a scam to because of those overhyped and quite misleading claims.

    As it turns out, it’s not a scam. However, I must agree with you. Solo ads are not the best way to get traffic and promote affiliate products. It’s not a beginner-friendly method.

    Thanks again for sharing this review. I’m going to pass on this offer and check out your #1 recommendation instead! Thanks!

    • Thanks so much for leaving your comment, it’s nice to hear from my readers. Albeit 12 Minute Affiliate is not a scam it’s a wise choice for you to pick my #1 recommendation. It has helped hundreds of thousands of people to get starting online and I know that’s because it’s an excellent program that has everything you will ever need to become successful online. The second best part is that they don’t have any hidden costs to it except for the cost of your own domain name which is only $13. I know you will enjoy it.

      Thanks for dropping by Ivan, I wish you all the best.

  4. I have heard of Devon Brown, but never really looked at his products. The 12 minute affiliate system is a typical copy and paste program. I’ve always avoided them since unless you rewrite the content they’re not unique. The training sounds thin, added to which, solo ads can cost a lot of money with no guarantee of sales. It seems this program is preying on unsuspecting newbies who are easily taken in by “shiny objects!” You are right that taking what you learn with 12 minute affiliate and applying it with free traffic will work. However, most newbies give up after realising it doesn’t happen overnight! Your #1 recommendation is far better and offers the chance to build a solid online business

    • Hi Kathy, thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment. That is very true Kathy unless you write your content yourself your content will not be unique or yours and the bots like Google will pick it up and mark it as spam and you won’t even know it. Absolutely correct, most beginners will give up as soon as it gets hard and can’t find a solution to their problem. That is where my Top Recommendation comes in, they offer FULL training and FULL support on building a legit business of your own. And because the majority of the members are succeeding at a steady rate you have a huge community to chat with and help you along the way when you need it.

      There are no hidden secrets or upsells that you have to buy.
      It works with the same low monthly premium and has been for the past 15 years.
      I personally have not come across a better training program yet.

      I wish you all the best Kathy, take care.


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