What Is ClickBank University About? – My Personal Review

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In this article “What Is ClickBank University About? My personal review”,  I will cover what you need to know to make a decision whether this is for you or not.

ClickBank University is ClickBank’s training package to teach others how to promote their (ClickBank) products.

If you’re looking for a high-quality affiliate training program that delivers then check out my review on the best training program for beginners.

ClickBank University actually has 2 sides to their training.

  1. For training affiliates
  2. Promoting your own products

So let’s get right down to what I learned as a member of ClickBank University 2.0


CB University 2.0

ClickBank University is a training program to teach others to become an affiliate marketer.

They’ve been around since 2014 and for the longest time, they never bothered to upgrade their training. They offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

It is difficult to determine if the program is for you because their training will take you past the 30 days before you find enough information to make a decision which really disappointed me.

I don’t like this and to me, it indicates a lower quality product.

If the training is any good you don’t need hidden tactics to keep from returning for a refund.

Product Overview

Name: CBU (ClickBank University)

Owner: Justin Atlan

Website URL: www.clickbankuniversity2.com

  • Training: 7 out of 10
  • Support: 6 out of 10
  • Website Platform: 5 out of 10
  • WordPress Hosting: 0 out of 10
  • Research Tools: 0 out of 10
  • Success Stories: 2 out of 10
  • Price: $47/mth up-sell 47/mth 6 out of 10
  • Price: CB Builder $594 7 out of 10 (this is an extra cost)
  • VeteransAffiliateSuccess.com Rating: 7 out of 10
  • Bonuses: None


Who Can Benefit From CBU

I believe the only people who will benefit from CBU 2.0 are those already knowledgeable in online marketing and are looking to promote products that have the landing page already built for them.

If you’re interested in promoting your own product, then I believe you would find the great value out of this training.

For all the newbies out there, sorry but I don’t think you will benefit very much from this training. I just don’t think their training is strong enough to teach you enough to be effective.

For anyone just getting started into affiliate marketing…

… I suggest taking a look at my #1 Review for getting started online. This will cover everything you will need to be successful online as an Affiliate Marketer.


The Training

Their training package is designed to teach you how to use ready-made landing pages of the products you will promote.

To be honest with you I don’t believe they offer much training about anything. They have you follow along with Justin each week to learn their platform and to build a landing page.

What Is ClickBank University About? - My personal review - Training
What Is ClickBank University About? – Training

The truth is the landing page builder is only good for the products he promotes at the time and can not be used to build a page for their other million affiliate products.

But of course, if the landing page is auto-built then one can argue you don’t need to learn to build the page. To be an affiliate marketer you should learn to build all parts associated with promoting any product.

This kind of software may appear awesome to a newbie but you can find it a lot cheaper, better with your word press called Thrive Architect.

In my opinion, their training is lacking a lot of training details like how to advertise the product.

With one of their products, they suggested copying the vendor’s ad and post it on Facebook.

One look at the ad and any experienced advertiser will notice the ad is not Facebook compliant. Despite disagreeing with this method, I posted it just to prove my point. The ad didn’t even make it through the bots let alone when it gets a second look at by a human couple of days later.

This was a product they said you can copy and paste and it will work, yet it clearly did not. No one within the webinar got that ad to work for either.

With some tweaking I got it to run but the point is they do not teach how to write an ad and I can’t see a newbie getting it to work without some kind of training on how to write an ad for Facebook.

If you take my #1 recommended affiliate training first you would be able to apply their theory.


The truth about their Friday Webinar Training

Their Friday Webinar training sessions was supposed to teach you about new things and help you along with the training lessons.

If you do follow their Webinar lessons along with the training keep this in mind…

… they stretch it out so much by repeating stuff from weeks prior that you use up your trial period to get a refund if it doesn’t work for you. I found myself becoming very frustrated with their Weekly Webinars due to the amount of chit-chat with no quality information.

On a plus side, they do bring on other very successful people at times which share some great tips and products.


CBU Platform

Despite the platform being simple in design, there is no clear path to direct you where you are supposed to start and users find themselves jumping all over the place trying to figure out where to start.

What Is ClickBank University About? - My personal review - Platform
What Is ClickBank University About? – Platform

They have a shortlist of training videos which run between 5 to 30 minutes long. You will find a lot to read and videos to watch giving you plenty to learn as a beginner. In my opinion, the training is very vague and you just don’t learn enough to become successful.

I find them to be very…. rudimentary.

One also should keep in mind any extra software required will have to be purchased separately by another vendor which is the norm with most of these basic training programs.

You can read my article about the extra programs required here.

One of the biggest issues I found with their platform is that everything has its own login password forcing you to remember 4 passwords as opposed to just one.

Their login system was very confusing at the time which caused a lot of frustrations within the community.

An important point I should mention is at the time of this review their product “Clickbank Builder” was not being promoted for some reason she didn’t bother to explain why.


Ask Support

I asked a simple question, “How do I find my link to promote CBU” and I had an answer within 2 minutes. I was very impressed. I tried several other questions which took a little longer but all were answered in an acceptable amount of time.

However, one question I asked was associated with the use of their link. The initial response was “I will have to find the answer and get back to you”. I didn’t mind this, however, I was not impressed when I had to wait 3 days to get an answer.


Clickbank Community

Now about the community…

What Is ClickBank University About? - My personal review - Community
What Is ClickBank University About? – Community

The community is just a Facebook community like most of the low-quality training packages out there. It works but it’s lacking the features of a quality Community.

This is supposed to be the place where you can engage with other members and share your ideas and pick up some tips. It’s a fantastic place to ask questions when you get stuck.

In my opinion, I didn’t find the community to have a lot of members because it always seemed to have the same people engaging and asking questions.

And I didn’t find very many questions getting answered by Justin which really surprised me. A lot of people were clearly frustrated and confused and were even threatening to ask for a refund if they don’t get some answers soon.

At the time of this review, the community doesn’t even appear to be around any longer which does not surprise me.

Without a good quality community like the one in my #1 Recommend Training Program there is very little chance of any newbie finding success with the training.


Create your own product

What Is ClickBank University About? - My personal review - Idea
What Is ClickBank University About? – I have a great IDEA

The only thing I found that looked promising was their product creation training.

This I have never seen in any other training platforms. Of course, this is not something that a newbie would be looking for which is probably why most of the training platforms out there don’t have it.

If you have an idea for a digital product and wish to create it then this training is for you. They have a lot of videos and material to learn from which seems to be their main product.

Once you build your digital product they will then promote it on Clickbank for you. This is an avenue that many get into once they start making some money online.

Website Platform & Hosting

The first time I bought a Domain Name, loaded the hosting platform on to it, installed WordPress and then built my website… it took me 3 weeks using other training platforms.

Within Clickbank, you don’t learn to build a website or a full sales funnel from scratch. Their landing page builder will build it however they do have the training to build a landing page yourself if needed.

There is plenty to learn and it will keep you busy for some time and they are still hosting a weekly Friday Webinar. Most of the attendees really enjoyed their Webinar’s especially when they have a special host come on.


Research Tools

Research is the key factor in determining if you are going to make money or not online. Clickbank University doesn’t talk or even mention anything about using keyword research tools.

I believe the biggest reason for this is because they are not focusing on the advertising side of things. They do cover a little on social media platforms but not enough to be effective in my opinion.



Now for the conclusion for my review on “What Is ClickBank University About.”

I must say, I really like the CB Builder 2.0 especially for newbies, in fact, the more I used it the more I could really see the benefit of having it.

The only downside is that:

  1. it has to be set up for every product which it clearly is not and is difficult to do
  2. it’s not unique to you meaning everyone will be offering the same offer in the same way so there will be hundreds or even thousands of them out there
  3. you don’t learn by building it yourself.
  4. it’s still pretty much a copy-paste product

For the reasons I mentioned above I don’t like the Clickbank Builder product unless they can address these issues. If they make the necessary changes then this would be a great way to go. Just imagine, click a button and you’re landing page is ready to go.

Their “Create Your Own Product” is a fantastic idea. You have an idea for digital products and this program will help you create it so you can add it to their line of products to be promoted by others. This leaves you free to create another product or go fishing while others are selling your product for you.

The CB Builder is an extra cost $594 one time fee and if you just want the builder you still have to pay the $49 / mth for the CBU basic package.

My experience with the community is there were a lot of confused and unhappy campers. At the time they had a lot of problems with their login however the platform doesn’t seem to be functioning at the moment.

A big downfall with their training is they don’t have a quality training lesson on Social media, Google and they don’t even cover content creation or keyword research that you find within a high-quality training package like the #1 Affiliate Marketing Program does.

Their Friday Webinar’s are OK. However, I found them to be a little disorganized. For example, I asked the same question 5 times and still didn’t get an answer. When I commented, “How is it I asked the same question and you skipped over it”. By the way, this has never happened in any other training platform I attended… never.

He did respond to that statement and did apologize for it then went back to look for my question but answered someone else’s question with the same first name. Never did get my question answered.

So the conclusion is I can’t recommend this training product and quite frankly I was very disappointed with it.

Below you will find a summary chart to help clear up everything I covered with the training however it doesn’t include the Product Creator because that is an additional purchase.

If you’re interested in the Product Creator then yes I would recommend it.

If you’re looking for a great training product that is affordable and actually have everything you need to build a business online then check out my #1 Affiliate Training Package designed for the newbie.

This is the same training package that worked for me.

As for CBU 2.0 it’s just too confusing and not enough training to make it work.

When I first got started in Affiliate Marketing I had lots of questions which I’m sure you have too.

You can put your comments and questions below I will be delighted to answer them for you.

Thanks for reading


Clickbank University 2.0






Overall Quality



  • Easy to learn
  • Training is very clear
  • Quick if you already have advertising training


  • Training is just for Clickbank
  • Based on copy past
  • Extra Software costs needed

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2 thoughts on “What Is ClickBank University About? – My Personal Review”

  1. Hi Rick,

    Thanks for such a thorough review regarding Clickbank University. Honestly, I am a complete newbie at affiliate marketing and the first I watched CB’s video, I wanted to join immediately – as I guess they are trying to sell you a dream and they make it sound really easy. But after reading your review, it makes a lot of sense regarding their training. I am glad that I have joined Weathy Affiliate instead, they are the best for sure!! If I do have some sort of Digital project in the future, then I will consider to join Click Bank University.

    • I am very pleased my article was of help in deciding which program to join. Congratulations on joining WA, I have no doubt you will be very please with Wealthy Affiliate’s outstanding training. Remember, if you go premium within the next 7 days you will get the first month for only $19. I will help you out with any questions you may have and share with you some tips I have picked up over the years to help get you on the fast track.
      For now, browse through the menu and get started on the training anytime.
      I will see you on the inside Fernanda


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