What Is Prime Time Profits About?

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Welcome to my review on What Is Prime Time Profits.

Is this program worth your time and money to get involved in?

What do you have to do to make money with it?

How fast can we make money with this training?

What Is Prime Time Profits About? - residual income from home


I will be covering these questions and much more about this product.

Hi, I’m Richard,

First, just to be clear, I am not associated with Prime Time Profits in any way. If you’re looking for an honest opinion on this training program then keep reading as I reveal the truth about this training program.

Congrats by the way for taking the time to research the product before purchasing it. This is the best step in preventing yourself from getting burned while you search for a legit program to make money online.

You can read my article on “How To Know A Scam” here, this will help you spot most of the scams out there.

So, in this review, I will go over what to expect from Prime Time Profits and the chances of you making money with it.

OK, let’s get started…

Prime Time Profits Program
What Is Prime Time Profits About? - weird trick to make 500

Owner: unknown (red flag)

Product: Affiliate Marketing

Cost: $47 & $97


Their video states that you can make $500 a day by using a weird trick that you can use for free. OK, this is clearly a big red flag for me.

This is typical of all the dishonest programs out there, they say you can make all this money with no effort at all using this trick, secret, etc. Kinda like magic, I suppose. Anyway..

When you watch their video it goes on about how lucky you are to have come across this video. They also claim that there are only a few ways to gain access to this program and you are now invited to enter. This is not true.

What a load of horse manure.

From an experienced eye, it comes across as a “Get Rich Quick Scheme” especially if you compare it to my article on “How To Know A Scam“.

Again, as with many other reviews I have done on these types of products the main trigger point is the:

  1. The high income they claim in such a short time frame.
  2. The amount you make is so precise at $500 a day by following or using this one trick and do it in one day.

Think about it for a second, no one can claim you can make that precise amount and be able to do it in ONE DAY, and with 1 trick.

You will see all these types of scams all over the internet which are all produced by the same people or someone else made a copy. They are all played out the same way with almost using the same words except for a select few to change it up along with a few different photos. They are really easy to spot.

The whole advertising along with the program itself is just a bunch of lies luring you in to grab your hard-earned cash.

I noticed a little formulary with this program, sure enough, it sounds like a review I did earlier this year called Copy Paste Income. I have no doubt we will see more programs emerging that look, smell and taste as bad as this one.

This is what they do, run a fake program for a while and when it stops pulling in money they just change it up and run it again with a new face but the same old body.


Prime Time Profits Training

First, according to their ad there is no training because they claim you do nothing and still get to make $500 a day.

They have a black box that you can use to click on to earn the money.

If you truly feel for this garbage then please, go read my article on ‘How To Know A Scam’. This will help you to stay clear of these types of scams.

Better still if you truly want to earn a living online then check out my review on the #1 program I recommend for earning money online.

So, anyway, let’s just continue with the shovel, shall we…

They start by saying the original cost was $197 however because you were soooo lucky to find the site you get a huge discount when you sign up.

You pay the $47 but then you are offered an upsell that claims to be better than making $500 a day for doing nothing.

What another load of cow manure…

What Is The Real Product?

There is no real product with this program, you don’t even get an outdated training package as some of them may have. This one acts more like a review I did earlier that was based on a Cash Gifting scheme, you can read it here. Basically, you pay into this system and then resell it to someone else to make your money back.

The theory is based upon a pyramid scheme that was around before the internet days and someone has adapted it to the internet. Another word for it would be a Ponzi scheme as Wikipedia describes.

But Can I Make Money With It?

OK, for some of you out there that is not concerned about how you make money, you just want to make money legal or not.

Then, the answer is NO…

You can not make money with this no matter how desperate you are. These programs are designed to lure in the uneducated and take their money.

Social Proof

They do have some social proof however like most of these programs they pay an actor to create the testimonial for them. The actors come from a site called Fiverr where you can find actors to do an acting job for you for a low cost.

What Is Prime Time Profits About? - Paul Miller and family

The testimonial they have is of Paul and Carol Miller along with their two kids. They mistakenly called him Chris which is a huge mistake on their part but how many people will pick that up.

It is so easy to get a fake testimonial that you can’t trust any testimonial proofs on any programs especially today.

It is sad to say but honesty and truth do not seem to appear too often in today’s world I am afraid.

The other point is that Paul Miller does not exist and if he does he doesn’t look like this guy.

All the testimonial photos come from places like Shutter Stock. There are millions of photos for anyone to purchase. If you search on Shutter Stock for this photo you will find it.

What Is Prime Time Profits About? - shutterstock photoAs you can see above the photo was found on Shutter stock in plain view for everyone to see.

Who Can Benefit From Bulletproof Profits

I think it’s pretty clear to say that this training program was not designed for anyone to make a profit except the owner by tricking the non educated into buying into their scheme.

Sorry but NO ONE can benefit from this training program in my opinion.

If you sign up for this you are basically throwing your money away.

Let’s recap What is Prime Time Profits About.

This program has nothing but Red Flags all over it.

Not only is the program fake but everything about it is fake.

The only part that is real is how the creator steals your money making you believe you will make a profit with this system by giving them money.

There are several problems with this product:

  1. The creator is unknown
  2. The training is fake
  3. Outrageous money-making claims
  4. False testimonials
  5. It’s a pyramid which tends to hold a bad vibe

To me, it’s very clear that whoever put this together knew it was fake because they hid their name.

If you’re looking for a legit way to make real money online then do what I am doing. Not only does it work but you can also learn for free.

You can check out my review on my #1 program called Wealthy Affiliate here or …

Go sign up now for a FREE account and take it for a drive yourself. Don’t worry you don’t need a credit card so go have some fun and for heaven’s sake, stay away from the scams.

Please come back and leave a comment on how you found WA.


… for the above reasons, I DO NOT Recommend Prime Time Profits to anyone.

Don’t fall for the fake programs out there, I know, it’s sometimes very hard to tell the bad ones from the few good ones when you’re just starting.

Prime Time Profits






Overall quality



  • Low startup cost


  • Unknown Creator
  • Fake Training
  • Fake Testimonials

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4 thoughts on “What Is Prime Time Profits About?”

  1. If people really believe in black magic boxes that that can generate $500 in profits for them in a day, they DESERVE to be scammed.

    I’ve heard about Wealthy Affilaite a couple of times before, but I never had the chance to test it out. Seems like a nice course (plus it free), so I might as well give it a try!

    • Hi Gorjan, thanks for dropping by. I suppose you could be right but the way I look at it is if I can prevent another person from getting burned by those scams out there then I am ok with this. Remember, most of us lived a sheltered life where we were taught that Black Magic Boxes did exist.

      By all means, go check out Wealthy Affiliate, be sure to use the link I provide so you can get 59% off on the first month. Just a little piece of advice, go at it with an attitude that you are going to make it work because everyone that says they will give something a try ends up quitting it before they even get started.

      Anyway, it’s a great training program and I am sure you will be more than pleased with it. I will be on the inside to guide you through the steps when needed.


  2. There are so many scams offering false promises, and Prime Time profits is no different. So glad you warned about this scam and hopefully saved newbies the pain of losing money! Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the real deal and live up to their promises, I have a couple of friends that are doing very well with them. I have being thinking of starting WA myself lately but I am still not sure if it’s for me. Anyone can succeed online with the right training, but nothing is instant! Thank you for sharing:)

    • Hi, Kathy so glad you dropped by today. Yes, there are a lot of scams with many false promises. You are very welcome, I am please you found my article of interest. That is interesting, your friends are in Wealthy Affiliate yet you are not.

      May I ask what is stopping you, I mean you obviously know how well they are doing so why not give it a shot yourself? Yes, you are absolutely right Kathy, anyone can succeed online and become very successful providing they have the right training and Wealthy Affiliate provides that training in full.

      Let’s put it this way, if you treat it like a hobby it will pay like a hobby. But if you treat it like a business it will pay back like a business.

      If you use the link I provided you can try it out for FREE and you will even save 69% on your first-month payment if you decide to go premium. Premium is for those that take their hobby more serious however for now just give it a try with the free membership here and if you don’t like it, then it didn’t cost you anything.

      I am pretty sure you will enjoy it, if you have any questions I will be on the inside to guide you.
      All the best on your new adverture


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