What Is Super Affiliate Accelerator? – Scam or Legit?

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So What Is Super Affiliate Accelerator about?

The Super Affiliate Accelerator is all about selling high ticket items which of course is not a new topic, I have found plenty of training packages available on how to sell high ticket items.

A product selling for $500 would be considered at the bottom end of a high ticket item. The majority of affiliates would look for products that sell in the thousands because the commission is a lot higher.

The main benefits of selling a high ticket item are that it takes the same amount of energy as a low-cost item so why not sell something that returns a larger commission. Makes sense to me.

The problem is that it takes a lot more effort to sell a high ticket item and is very difficult especially for a beginner.

In this review, we will take a deep dive into this product called Super Affiliate Accelerator.

I want you to know that I am not associated with Super Affiliate Accelerator in any way. If you are looking for an honest opinion on this training program then keep reading as I reveal the truth about this training program.

Congratulations by the way for taking the time to research the product prior to purchasing it. This is a great step in avoiding scams while you search for a legit program to make money online.

Read my article on “How To Know A Scam” here, this will help you recognize the scams.

OK, let’s get started…

What Is Super Affiliate Accelerator? - Logo

Super Affiliate Accelerator

Owner:   Jacob Caris

Product:   Affiliate Marketing Training

Cost:   $2000

Best For:   Experienced Affiliate Marketers

Summary: Super Affiliate Accelerator is a program that aims in teaching how to promote high ticket products. The creator (Jacob Caris) is no stranger to affiliate marking. This program is easy enough for beginners to more advanced marketers however with the high price tag and the cost of advertising I would not recommend it for beginners unless you already have a webpage.

Super Affiliate Accelerator Program

This is Jacob’s most recent training course which he geared towards promoting high ticket affiliate products.

In other words, he will teach you where to find high price tag programs to promote as an affiliate. Once you are an affiliate of the product you found, you will advertise on Facebook or your own webpage.

Commissions as an affiliate marketer for high ticket items can be from hundreds to thousands of dollars per sale depending on the product being promoted.

What Is Super Affiliate Accelerator? What our students make

Is it really possible?

Yes, it is however if you are new to affiliate marketing don’t expect this kind of returns for some time. It takes time to learn affiliate marketing and the best way to get your feet wet without costing a fortune is to take a more affordable program like my Top Recommended Training program for beginners. This program will teach you everything you need to build a website and start making money. It will provide you with a website where you can advertise the higher ticket items when you are ready.

Jacob Caris like I said is no stranger to affiliate marketing. He has been involved in online marketing for some time now and even owns his own YouTube Channel where he covers affiliate marketing.

And according to ClickFunnels, he was one of the top affiliates.

Super Affiliate Accelerator Training

The Super Affiliate Accelerator Training has 11 modules plus a bonus.

What Is Super Affiliate Accelerator? - training


Module 1: Introduction

This part of the training covers the basics and how you can apply the course for maximum results.

Module 2: Success Mindset

This is all about having the correct mindset. Without the proper mindset, you will never succeed in anything you take on. Every program will and should have training on this subject.

Module 3: Picking A Niche

It’s funny but most people have the greatest difficulty in picking their niche. A niche is a subject or area you are interested in. Weight loss or bodybuilding or making money are all broad niches. This part of the course covers how to pick your niche and how to choose the right products for your niche.

Module 4: Fast Start Process

This module covers everything on content building the fast way.

Module 5: Monetization

This is all about making money and the strategies used to do it. Every website has to be set up correctly to bring in sales and this program is no different.

Module 6: Closing The Deal

This one covers how to convert your leads to sales using typical sales techniques.

Module 7 to 11: Networking

How to build up your network to get leads.


Most programs take a module and call it a Bonus just so you think you are getting more for your money. They cover email training, how to manage Facebook groups and other social platforms. This is also where you will find their case studies.

What you get when you sign up…

What Is Super Affiliate Accelerator? - What you get today

Keep in mind some of these prices may be a little inflated to show a higher value. And the value of any product depends on the quality of the product or service.

Not everyone will succeed in this program and don’t expect to be rich anytime soon because you have a lot to learn and it’s best to learn it slowly.

Ok, this next part I always enjoy showing the truth…

Super Affiliate Accelerator True Cost

Believe it or not, the cost is $2000 with no upsell. That’s right, there is no upsell which you don’t see very often today with this type of program.

This I really like because most of the programs out there try to upsell. Upsells to me is a way to get the customer to pay more without them knowing it upfront.

If there is an upsell it raises a red flag and this program does not have any which is awesome to see.

Of course, because it’s a high ticket item you can also advertise it as an affiliate and get paid on any sales.

The other thing that should be noted here is that he does not hype up his program by using false claims. This kind of talk raises red flags and again he does not use any of it.

Website Platform and Hosting

They do not offer any Hosting services so you will have to purchase this service elsewhere.

Because you will be using a landing page you will also need a service like ClickFunnels to place your landing page on and an email service like Get Response to collect and manage your emails.

All these services do come at an extra cost to the program and advertising cost.

This is why I say that this program is not for the beginner because it just costs too much when starting out.

A better system for the beginner would be a program that:

  • Doesn’t have the high price tag to join
  • Is a quality program at a low price
  • Supplies the website & Hosting at no extra cost
  • Has no upsells
  • Is designed with the beginner in mind
  • Doesn’t need any extra programs to make it work
  • Teaches you to build a website to make money
  • Teaches you to find free advertising
  • Teaches you to find free tools to help in your success
  • Has full support to your success and beyond
  • Get to try it for FREE

If something like the above interests you then click here to learn more about the program that works for me.

Who Is Super Affiliate Accelerator For?

I believe the super affiliate accelerator is more for the advanced marketer.

The cost to get into this program is just too much to bear as a beginner. And then when adding on all the other programs that are required to make it work it won’t be long before you run out of money and have to quit.

The good news is that you don’t need to spend all this money to make money online.

What I Like About Super Affiliate Accelerator

  • The first thing I like about this program is that the creator (Jacob Caris) is his real name. This shows that the program has some truth and value to it.
  • There are no upsells which was really nice to see for a change
  • The program is not hyped up
  • The training is of high value and if you are an experienced marketer or have your own website then this program may be for you.

What I Don’t Like About Super Affiliate Accelerator

  • It is an expensive program for a beginner. Let’s face it, most beginners are already running into money problems in the first place which is why they are looking for ways to make money. And the higher the cost to the program it’s only a matter of time before you end up running out of money and having to quit.
  • I am very surprised not to see a refund policy in this one. Of course, their explanation is that they know their program works and they don’t want anyone joining that is not 100% committed to taking action and implementing what they learn.
  • I also don’t like that you are not offered to try before you buy.

Most beginners starting online don’t really know what they want to do and the last thing they want is to be spending money on programs they are unsure of. This is why I like the free trial so it doesn’t cost you your hard-earned money to try it out.

Of course, this is another reason why I say this is more for the experienced marketer.

Is Super Affiliate Accelerator A Scam?

What Is Super Affiliate Accelerator? The first thing you should know is that it’s NOT A SCAM.

Super Affiliate Accelerator is a legitimate training course that I believe is more geared towards the experienced marketer or someone that already has a website.

If you are a beginner I would NOT recommend Super Affiliate Accelerator, due to the high cost and the fact that this training is more beneficial to an experienced marketer.

I would recommend that a beginner check out the program that got me started.
This is the program that works for me and you can even try it out for FREE.

Super Affiliate Accelerator






Overall Quality



  • Good Training
  • No Upsells
  • Good Product


  • Expensive For Beginner
  • No Refund Policy
  • Other Hidden Outside Expenses

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4 thoughts on “What Is Super Affiliate Accelerator? – Scam or Legit?”

  1. This looks like a good program however the price is too much for someone who wants to make money online.

    I like the fact that the program focuses on mindset which is what causes more people to not succeed online or any business.
    Thank you for this review

    • Thank you for dropping by, yes you are very right, without the proper mindset you will not succeed. Anyone that don’t know that say something like, “when the money comes in I will have the mindset”. The truth is, without it you don’t have the drive to make anything work and there for nothing will happen.

      Thanks for the comment Thabo I appreciate it.
      I wish you all the best, take care now.

  2. You can find higher-priced items to sell without going this route. You would need to learn copywriting to go after bigger fish. You always need to add more details whenever you start marketing higher-priced items.

    Maybe someone with a lot of extra cash lying around might go have a look and see, but I think I will steer clear of this one.

    Thanks for the post Richard

    • Hi Brian, yes, you are absolutely right. Anyone can sell high ticket items just by going to a supplier like Clickbank and picking a high ticket item in your choice of niche. Then promote it on Facebook, or some other social media platform or even your blogging channel if you have one.

      If you don’t have a blogging channel and would like one to promote these high ticket items go here and get one started for free. They will teach you everything you need to know on how to set it up and build your blog to suit your niche. It is very simple and easy to do.

      For the copywriting side of things, yes, to advertise on Facebook or other social media platforms you will need to learn copywriting techniques or it would be a waste of your time. You would also need to understand Facebook policy which is not hard to understand however it can be very tricky to avoid the dreadful account shut down syndrome which everyone does get to experience.

      A much better way is to build a blogging site using this software, and just talk about the good things you know about the product. Do not lie, just learn about the product from the company and only pick the high ticket item you are interested in promoting and believe in.
      This is the easiest and most fun way to make it with high ticket items. This is how I do it and it works very well.

      Like you said you don’t need to spend a lot of money on any program or advertising to promote any product.
      Just remember, you will have to keep putting in a couple of hours a day in order to make any online business to work and a blogging site is no different. The training covers all of the details of what to expect so I won’t bother to go into it here.

      Thanks for leaving a comment Brian,
      Take care now.


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