ClickBank Superstar Review – Scam or What?

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Welcome to ClickBank Superstar Review – Scam or What?

I am quite aware of Clickbank products since I have completed a full review of their ClickBank University training product in the past, but this one I never heard of so let’s dive in and find out what it’s about.

Just to be clear here…

I want you to know that I am not associated with ClickBank Superstar in any way. If you are looking for an honest opinion on this training program then keep reading as I reveal the truth.

Congrats by the way for taking the time to research the product before purchasing it.

This is a great step in avoiding scams while searching for a legit program to make money with.

You can check out my article on “How To Know A Scam” which will help you spot most of the scams out there.

So, in this review, I will go over what to expect from ClickBank Superstar and the chances of you making money with it.

Let’s just get right into it…

ClickBank Superstar Review - ClickBank Superstar logo

ClickBank Superstar

Ower: John Thornhill

Product: Affiliate Marketing Training

Cost: $19.95 plus upsells

Market: Those looking to market their products.

ClickBank Superstar Review - John Thornhill
John Thornhill


Clickbank Superstar is a training course put out by John Thornhill and not by ClickBank (to the right >>>), to teach you to market your very own products on ClickBank. They go over all the details you need to know to promote your product on ClickBank to get the best results.

  • If you already have a product they will help you finish and get it ready to be promoted on ClickBank
  • They will also help you to develop a product if you don’t already have one.


This is not John’s first product. He also developed and brought to market Instant Azon60, Minute Reseller, Live Product Creation and I do believe he was also behind Partnership to success.

As you can see he’s been in the affiliate marketing business for some time and has gotten very good at affiliate marketing to the point of developing his own products.

And now he has created a product to help others to develop a product just like he has done.

Let’s take a Look on the inside…

Clickbank Superstar was designed to teach you to market a product on Clickbank where others will take your product and sell it for you for a commission. This is what affiliate marketing is all about, just helping others to sell their products for them just like a store buy products to sell on a shelf. The difference with ClickBank is that the products are not a physical product which means you don’t have to worry about inventory or dropshipping and issues.

Now that you have an idea what it’s about let’s dive into the training.

ClickBank Superstar TrainingClickBank Superstar Review - ClickBank Superstar training

You pay the $19.95 to gain access to the back office. In this area you will have access to the training which consists of 2 sections:

  1. The Basic Training
  2. The Advanced Training

You will also have access to:

  • Text files which cover the legal claimers and statements you will need
  • PDF material which consists of a checklist to follow when adding products to ClickBank
  • Product Creation Workshop which is John’s Seminar for creating a product

You will also have an opportunity to be coached by John which costs $1 for the first 14 days. Thereafter it will cost $197 per month for his coaching. This is a very low cost for such a high-value coaching service by the way. Most bigger companies would charge $400 to $900 per hr.

The Basic Training

The basic training consists of 7 modules as follows:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Your Account Settings
  3. Integrating Your Product
  4. Adding Product To ClickBank
  5. Submitting For Approval
  6. Funnel Creation
  7. Your JV Page

It’s pretty straight forward with no gimmicks involved.  It doesn’t have any extra fill which is good to see.

Once you have completed the basic training you would have created your landing page, and developed your product for the market on ClickBank.

After the basic training is completed which doesn’t take that long, you will be ready for the Advance training.

The Advanced Training

This part of the training has a total of 6 high-quality video modules.

Module 1: Creating your JV Contract

Module 2: Setting Affiliates to 100% Commissions

Module 3: Creating Discount Codes

Module 4: Running JV Contests

Module 5 Setting Up $1 Trials

Module 6: Multiple Products One Account


John has done such a good job on the training that once you finish the lessons you would already have put your product up for market on ClickBank and waiting for others to promote it for you.

No Product? No Problem

If you don’t have a product to sell right now, that’s ok says, John.

He put together a special webinar that will teach you how to create a product. In fact, John suggests going this part of the training first if you don’t already have a product to sell.

He does upsell his Partnership To Success Program at the end of this webinar for a cost of $1997. It may seem a little steep for beginners however it’s a lot cheaper than paying someone by the hour to teach you.

Just to be clear, this is not put out by ClickBank even though it has ClickBank in its name.

ClickBank puts out their ClickBank course called ClickBank University which goes into detail on creating your own product to launch on ClickBank.

Who Can Benefit From ClickBank Superstar

I believe it’s probably best suited with current online businesses who wish to supplement their current income by branching out in other areas. It’s also a great way to brush up on some of your online skills as well.

Albeit it’s more suited for the already business owners, the training program is so well laid out a newbie could easily follow it. This is a great way for anyone to get started online to make money first and then learn the details later. No doubt it would benefit you by having some prior experience in affiliate marketing.

In either case, anyone who takes this course will come away with a great deal of knowledge into online marketing.

What’s not so good

They use these upsells called PLR’s which stand for Private Label Rights products. PLR’s are pre-written articles for websites to copy and paste. It does speed up getting your product up and running however at a great cost. PLR’s are available for anyone which will create duplicate content on the web which is not good for your business and Google doesn’t like duplication, they prefer to see unique content.

A solution is to use the content as a template and start rewriting the content into your own words to make it appear unique to Google.


I went into ClickBank Superstar Review with an attitude that it was going to be another one of those ‘Get rich quick schemes’ …

… to my surprise, it was nothing like that, and I have to say I enjoyed the program.

For one it is a real program that teaches you how to make money online by creating your own products and John delivers it with just enough material to get you online making money in the fastest possible time.

They take you all the way from developing a product to launching it on ClickBank for others to sell for you.

Even if you don’t have a product to sell they help you to find and develop one. They make it very simple to do and with their detailed program they take all the guesswork out.

I enjoyed the fact there is no sales pitch or high money claims or any fill of useless talk just to pump you up.

No, This is a very clean program and I have to congratulate John on a product well done.

With that said, I believe this is one of the fastest programs out there to make money with.

And with the low cost of $19.95 you just can’t go wrong with this training…

…the worst-case scenario is you come away well educated in developing your own product and it only costs you $19.95.

ClickBank Superstar is a great program and I do recommend this training to anyone interested in creating their product online.

If you are interested in learning more about John’s ClickBank Superstar Training click here.


  • Created by a very successful entrepreneur
  • John is one of the top affiliates in ClickBank
  • Great low price to get started
  • A fantastic training program with no fill
  • Good support
  • Fantastic guarantee with their 60-day Refund Policy


  • will have to purchase upsell to keep going
  • they are using PLR products
  • will need to take extra training

If you are not into developing a product then this program may not be for you. It is more geared towards an affiliate who wishes to supplement their income.

If you are interested in learning how I make a living online then check out my #1 recommendation for building an online business – the right way.


ClickBank Superstar Review - Stop struggling to make money online

ClickBank Superstar






Overall quality



  • Very Low Cost
  • Excellent Training
  • Very Clean and Easy to follow


  • Uses Copy & Past products
  • Need to Purchase Upsell
  • Will Need to Take Extra Training

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4 thoughts on “ClickBank Superstar Review – Scam or What?”

  1. Hi Rick,

    Thanks for this thorough review. I never heard of clickbank superstar but now I know it’s a legit program.
    Is it time consuming?

    • Hi Asen, that’s a very good question. First of all, to run any business, brick n mortar or online will take time and one should expect to put in at least 3 hrs a day especially at the beginning just to get things rolling. The amount of energy up front makes a huge difference in how long it takes one to start earning money. However, with ClickBank Superstar, it’s not really a business you are starting. The product helps you to launch your own product.

      And to launch your own product you can expect to take anywhere from a couple of days to even a month or more before it’s ready for the public. It mostly depends on the product you create. Their program can have a simple product up and running within hours but I personally wouldn’t expect to make much money from it unless it’s one of those products that are created as a scam which I don’t recommend for several reasons. Once the product is created there is nothing else to do except wait for orders. You don’t do the selling, the product is sold by anyone interested in selling it.

      I hope this answers your question Asen if not let me know.
      All the best

  2. Hey Rick, a great review and well detailed as usual.

    I might bookmark this page, as I’ve always wanted to create my own product but have no idea on how to get started.

    The only thing I don’t like is some people use this opportunity to create shitty products that promise to make people rich overnight. They should rather use it to help people by creating good software, programs, etc.

    But that’s a great opportunity.

    By the way, what does Clickbank superstar use the PLR products for?

    • Thanks for dropping by Warren. Yes, they are very good a helping you in creating a product of your own and once created like I mentioned you get to launch it right on their platform using their system thereby making it really easy.
      Absolutely, one should be creating a useful legit product which others will use which sell themselves.

      PLR or Private Label Rights products are articles that they created for you that you can just copy and use with the full rights to them. This of course is not the correct way in creating articles because there would be too many of the same copies out there. Which Google does not like and therefore your site will never get off the ground.

      They have them there for those that are looking for because they don’t want to create content themselves or just don’t know-how.

      Most that do use the content will only use it as a template. They will retype it in their own words to suit their situation or product which is a great way to learn. The content in your own words also sells better.
      You must never use a PLR product or even any copied content, it creates a duplicate item that will get picked up by Google and get your site shut down.

      I hope this answers your question, if not please let me know.
      All the best


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