Why it’s important to be happy

Why it's important to be happy - beautiful girl dancing on the trail

Do you know why it’s important to be happy? Sure, we know we prefer to be happy right? Or do we? As a child, I sometimes heard about people leaving jobs or relationships because they “weren’t happy.” What did they mean? It’s just a job so why not just keep doing it? Don’t you need … Read more

Why Should I Have a Mentor?

Why Should I Have a Mentor - mentoring a kid to fish

Why should I have a mentor? The question we should be asking is “Why don’t I have a mentor?). Especially with today’s more than ever highly competitive workforce. We have hit huge changes in the commercial world in the last 20 years due to the effects of the internet. And now with COVID taking the … Read more

Thankful vs Grateful

Thankful vs Grateful - Thankful

Thankful vs grateful, is there a difference? We often use these words when expressing the benefits we receive in life but I believe many don’t fully understand the difference between the two. We are fast approaching our Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and it really got me thinking how thankful I am for a lot of people … Read more